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Ubuntu's shiny 10th birthday Unicorn: An upgrade fantasy

Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

"Load LibreOffice and type the following keyboard shortcut: Alt-IOF

Does the LibreOffice formula editor appear?"

Yes, in Ubuntu 14.04 at least. But I'm using the "Gnome Flashback" desktop (which looks like "traditional" Gnome), not Unity. I don't know if that affects this or not.

I must say this is one thing I like about Linux. I think Unity is awful, but, I don't have to use it! It's trivially easy to install alternatives (and if someone else *does* like Unity, they can log out, select Unity, and log back in, no fuss, no muss.) Imagine how much easier time Microsoft would have had foisting Windows 8 onto people if one could have just changed the desktop UI out for a better one!

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