Reply to post: Re: Gender parity == hogwash.

Ada Lovelace Day: Meet the 6 women who gave you the 'computer'


Re: Gender parity == hogwash.

I think you are onto something there, because that is a very common way for men to treat female engineers (no matter why they are hired); ignore them.

While I once had a job where my male colleagues and managers did listen to me and take me serious, my experience is that in most companies they don't. At my current job I have often tried to suggest a change or bring up a problem, but it has no effect. A few months later, a male colleague suggests the same change or brings up the same problem, and the bosses immediately takes action.

On a couple occasions it was the customer who found the problem, which proved kind of embarrassing, but even after I pointed out to my bosses (including old emails, etc) that I brought up the issue a long time ago they don't change their ways. I'm seen as the nag (traditional female stereotype, right?) but I would have nothing to nag about if they tried taking me serious.

Needless to say, I'm looking for a different job...

And if a young woman asks me how it is working as a software engineer, I'm afraid I do warn them about the gender bias in many workplaces. I don't want to lie and strand a young woman with an education she isn't able to use.

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