Reply to post: Re: I suspect

Apple's new 'iPad Air 2' sliced open, revealing (possible) A8X core

JDX Gold badge

Re: I suspect

"I guess it's not Haswell but the Mini is only incrementally behind state-of-the-art.

The current Mini is still a pretty good deal. It's hard/impossible to find or build a PC that size with comparable computing power and storage and an integrated power supply."

Neither the price nor the spec has changed for 2 years. You wouldn't pay today's prices for a 2-year-old PC normally.

It might be good value for the size (in fact I'm sure it is) but that's not an issue to me. It's just the cheapest way to get a decent spec Mac and PC, and by the time you put in a quad-core CPU it's rather expensive. The price creeps up on you... so a refresh would be nice even if only so I can buy a 2012 model more cheaply :)

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