Reply to post: Re: "Flat" design

Jony Ive: Flattered by rivals' designs? Nah, its 'theft'

Zolko Silver badge

Re: "Flat" design

"Everything was flat, until the CPU/GPU power existed to give a UI a faux 3D look"

no, it all begun with MacOS System 8, when the window borders and UI buttons took that 3D shape. Before that, with System 7, it was all flat. And there where no GPUs then, hey, some CPUs didn't even have the math coprocessor. You're confusing with 3D CAD, but on UIs it's only pixmaps, no GPUs needed. I even remember having installed a System 7 "extension" giving my System 7 a System 8-ish look.

it was 1995 (or 1997 ?)

Or go back to windows 3.1, where there was a distinctive 3D effect on buttons when pressed.

This "flatness" thing was (re)invented by Microsoft and the Metro interface. It's just the new rage, until the next trend comes (diagonals ? you heard it first here)

What GPUs allow is transparency, alpha-blending, translucent menus.

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