Reply to post: Re: er, people ARE forced to use Microsoft software...

Windows 10: Forget Cloudobile, put Security and Privacy First


Re: er, people ARE forced to use Microsoft software...

"If you work for a big company, management are just TOO frightened to NOT use microsoft..."

I completely disagree, I have seen businesses use other products, moving away from MS because of the cost and then coming back because the staff ultimately request it, they notice a hit to their productivity, or they have other more valuable, third party apps which the business needs which are built on top of the MS tech.

The cost of moving away from MS products pales compared to the cost of moving away from all the key business applications which ride on the back of that technology.

"when we switched to the latest Office, this poor IT guy, here, had to go round and enable not just compatibility mode, but styles and fonts that everyone used, so letters still were standard..."

Really, this should have been tested and planned as part of the roll-out. The compatibility mode could have been done via group policy. Not sure about the styles and fonts, but pretty sure there would have been ways to roll that out as part of the deployment.

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