Reply to post: Re: And now my turn,

Lies, damn pies and obesity statistics: We're NOT a nation of fatties


Re: And now my turn,

"I'll know more after a week,"

Well done to get started.

A few points. A week is a very short time, body weight can change day to day quite a lot, in my case easily swamping a weeks loss. When I was losing 2-3 kg a week it didn't matter but at lower rates it's easy to be fooled and so disheartened. Best is to plot your weight every day at the same time/scales/position of scales. and then apply an exponential moving average to the plot. This tends to give an indicator of trend. Also when you first cut calories esp. dramatically several confounding trends occur such as fluid loss or retention and esp. a lowering of basal metabolic rate. You may feel cold. Regular exercise should help to boost/maintain your metabolic rate.

For breakfast and lunch I tended to stick to foods where the calories were easy to measure/estimate (cereal/milk, crispbreads/jam fruit).

Problem with most expenditure over basal is measuring/estimating it. You could use a pedometer but even the recommended 30mins brisk walking is only likely to be ~200 cals/day. 1 flight of stairs is only likely to be ~3 cals .

Good luck

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