Reply to post: Re: Even in our formal IT Office

10 Top Tips For PRs Considering Whether To Phone The Register


Re: Even in our formal IT Office


Some days these calls make my life a bit happier. Mostly because, as a sysadmin, I am a bitter and warped individual who gains a perverse kind of pleasure in the anguish of other human beings.

Or maybe I am just a bad person.

Either way, some days I actually say: put them through to me.

It's not always anger - sometimes its rudeness, sometimes snarkiness, sometimes brusqueness. Sometimes I simply enjoy wasting their time but my favourite is being able to call their bluff.

In a way, marketing calls can be very much like people asking you to sign up for gym memberships or charities on the street. First, I'm not going to make any decision like that on the spot simply because you're being friendly. But, whatever the case, you get exactly one polite answer. If you force me to give you a second answer, it will be of the other variety.

If you're a marketing person making cold calls* then it's okay - we each have our jobs to do and I won't hold yours against you. But accept 'no' for an answer and understand when the person you are speaking to is not interested. If you don't then that is rude and disrespectful. It's your choice but you can hardly complain when you get the same back.

* - And another thing - don't kid yourself; some random call or e-mail some time in the past does not warm up a cold call.

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