Reply to post: Re: @Ian Michael GumbyHere's the rub...

Google in 'right to be forgotten' snub probe: Ireland tackles moans

big_D Silver badge

Re: @Ian Michael GumbyHere's the rub...

I never said that the newspapers should remove the stories from their websites. In fact I said that they cannot do this, which is why Google is being required to remove links under exceptional circumstances.

But just like in archives of old, the news is no longer on the front page and those wishing to research a story have to do a "reasonable" amount of digging. Just googling a persons name, to see what dirt is returned, isn't going to return these few "no longer relevant" links.

That means, if they are looking for articles on a murder, they will find the articles, including the ones about the arrest and trial, but searching for the individual's name won't bring up the articles about his arrest and trial, because he was wrongfully arrested and it has been "expunged" from searches for his name.

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