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Apple, Google mobe encryption good news... for TERRORISTS – EU top cop


that depends if they re-instate Common Law & Habeas Corpus that they had to (illegally) abrogate before they could REDUCE our rights with the un-needed by Common Law jurisprudence EHRC & the enabling act.

When originally mooted the EHRC was not deemed to be as strong as UK Common Law rights & therefore it was not only unnecessary to 'enable' the EHRC but would in fact (and did) remove our Common Law rights leaving us all less protected (30 day detention ring any bells ? Illegal under Habeas Corpus).

You did know that Habeas Corpus is no longer part of the law didn't you ? Because Habeas Corpus & assorted other Common Law rights PREVENTED the EHRC from working.

So get the right end of the stick - get rid of the pathetic HRA and restore Common Law rights; so for instance just one example of REDUCED rights :

- No extradition unless

-- it is a crime in the UK

-- there is prima facia evidence that there is a case to answer under UK law

-- No foreign governments/courts would have primacy over the Law Committee of the House of Lords ( now replaced by the very inferior Supreme Court - a court that is NOT supreme because it can be overruled by FOREIGN courts who run a complete different jurisprudence that is NOT compatible with Common Law)

Shove the Human Rights Act; Common Law countries don't need an inferior copy of what we have (because that is what the EHRC is; an inferior copy; weakened because Code Napoleon can not tolerate the State NOT being supreme)

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