Reply to post: Re: Handbags at dawn

Special iPhone trousers will ease Apple into the fashion world


Re: Handbags at dawn

"The oddest of which for me has to be pockets that aren't, a frequent cause of irritation for my girlfriend. It looks like a pocket till you try to stick something in it, when you discover its sewn up and apparently only there for decorative purposes. Or I guess the lack of the actual pocket element is a money saving device by especially tight fisted manufacturers. It would drive me nuts;"

I have a coat like that - and it does indeed drive me nuts.

I bought it in a bit of a hurry, and didn't take enough notice at the time, so I didn't notice the faux-pockets until much later (and a very long way away from where I bought it).

Which is doubly annoying, because the main reason I picked it up was because it had plenty of pockets. I find lots of pockets very useful - especially when I go for a long walk in the middle of nowhere - so this coat is the most infuriating garment I have ever purchased.

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