Reply to post: Re: Remember when "Windows NT" was the KILLER OF EVERYTHING™??

Business is back, baby! Hasta la VISTA, Win 8... Oh, yeah, Windows 9


Re: Remember when "Windows NT" was the KILLER OF EVERYTHING™??

Heartbleed was in the OpenSSL libraries, which were cross platform, not linux/osx specific.

Shellshock was a bug in bash, which is mostly *nix (although I think cygwin lets you install it in Windows), although there are alternatives to bash which are also available on *nix machines and don't have the same vulnerability.

Also, as pointed out, when the bug was found it was publicised quickly and had patches out within days. Compare this to Microsoft, who in the past was known to hold back patches so they could be incorporated into a scheduled update because they were concerned that too many updates would worry customers

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