Reply to post: Re: And they said I was crazy

Patch Bash NOW: 'Shellshock' bug blasts OS X, Linux systems wide open


Re: And they said I was crazy

>>"My impression is that it inherits the bad qualities of standard *NIX shells and adds a bunch of its own"

Your impression is very wrong. It's fundamentally different to Bash. They're very dissimilar. For example, Powershell is entirely object orientated. This isn't really the place for it, however. I'll link back to an old discussion on it if you're interested. Link. It started off just asking what was the best Powershell terminal but then some people turned up and started ranting about how inferior Powershell was to Bash and it became a very informative discussion (albeit some people got pretty upset). If the above is your genuine impression - that Powershell is Bash with worse bits grafted on, then seriously - read the above and see what you think.

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