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Emma Watson urges UN to back feminism – trolls threaten to leak her 'nude selfies'


"I think 4chan would be daft to try it, even if the photos do exist and they do have them. Emma Watson's UN gig means that she'll have access to a lot of well connected and motivated lawyer mates."

Go ask the ladies on one of the TOR based "dark web" revenge image sites how well legal avenues are working out for them. Lawyers aren't nearly so powerful as they like to think they are. Fundamentally, if you are willing to ignore the legal systems of several jurisdictions, why would you care what a lawyer thinks?

Please don't misunderstand my post as siding with those clowns. I don't, which is why I've not named any of the sites I was thinking of. They are, frankly, a disgrace. That said, I have a lot more sympathy with people whose spiteful exes are handing out candid photos like candy, than I do if some fame hungry starlet attracts the wrong kind of fame.

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