Reply to post: Re: Go on, fandroids, you're allowed to cry

Jesus phone RAISED from DEAD. Watch iPhone 6 get BURNED, DROWNED, SMASHED

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Go on, fandroids, you're allowed to cry

Why should they cry, or even care? I don't care how durable other phones are, only the one I have - and to be honest, really only to the extent I think I might be likely to accidentally damage it. Go ahead, make an Android phone that's able to survive down to 660 feet like diver's watches, watch me not care.

Nothing is going to stop trolls from claiming that whatever phone they're slagging on breaks easily, can't survive a foggy day or generally sucks in every conceivable way. Trolls on either side of the smartphone fence don't let little things like facts get in the way of their trolling.

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