Reply to post: Re: And I say there screwed by Symbian

Blockbuster book lays out the first 20 years of the Smartphone Wars

Gene Cash Silver badge

Re: And I say there screwed by Symbian

This explains a lot of the WTFs in the N770-N900 tablets. They had a Debian port, but to upgrade the phone, you flashed the entire rom and never used the apt functionality, not even for small bug patches. They basically never really took advantage of Linux, other than it was an OS they could grab for free that worked.

I see Hildon and a lot of the weird code names that got thrown around are apparently from Symbian, so that's where that came from. That also explains the drunkard's-walk "roadmaps" I saw, which made original Apple Maps look like something from National Geographic. It also explains their stance towards open source. They had to deal with it because they'd had no choice but to use Linux, but corporate sure as hell didn't like it. Most of the actual N770 developers loved open source and the philosophy.

Nokia. Awesome hardware. Shit software.

That seems to be a standard in this industry... I can't think of an example where a company gets both hardware & software right, except maybe for IBM in its System 360 golden years. I'd love to hear counterexamples.

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