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Heavy VPN users are probably pirates, says BBC



Would they label you a pirate? No.

What they are saying, however, is that if you are using a VPN so much and with high dl/ul then you should be flagged for further scrutiny, so the precise use of your VPN(s) can be ascertained.

Until such time as the usage can be shown to be legitimate, it will be considered suspicious.

That's not the same thing as branding you a pirate but it is 99% as objectionable.

That line of thinking leads to ideas to force people to register for the right to use a VPN, requiring them to show valid reasons why they need the VPN, what the endpoints are, when it will be in use and what traffic types and volume will be flowing through it. After all, nothing to hide, etc . . .

Anyone scoffing at this notion (hopefully no one by this stage) should look to China and Russia (I almost said The USSR . . .) and their insistence on identifying people online - to ensure responsible behaviour.

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