Reply to post: Re: Apple does not limit the number of password entry attempts users could can make

Apple, FBI: YES we're, er, looking into the NAKED CELEBRITY PICS. Aren't you?

Hans 1

Re: Apple does not limit the number of password entry attempts users could can make

@Dan 55

>And remember, a great many Apple IDs have a home address, phone numbers and CC information all dutifully filled in from the original purchase of the device at the online store or so the app store 'just works'.

As much as I like to dish Apple, you would be able to see the tel and address, the latter you can find out online, BTW, as for CC info ? Are you nuts ? you can only see the last 3 or 4 digits of the CC, just like on receipts ... ok, they could use the account to purchase stuff in the app store, but they would probably get caught doing that.

So, yeah, they might have her cell phone, what you gonna do, call her?

"Hello, this is Dan 55, I hacked into your iCloud account and got naughty pics of you ..."

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