Reply to post: Hrm. Feminine coding...

BBC: We're going to slip CODING into kids' TV

Daggerchild Silver badge

Hrm. Feminine coding...

Get a facebook, twitter and youtube api. Give it to the class. Most will frown and give not-a-poopy.

Then some spotty quiet kid will work out how you can use it schedule posts to make it look like you're somewhere doing something with others when you're secretly somewhere else, co-ordinating via means both obvious and undetectable (like image steganography).

And then someone works out how to detect that and dob them in, and then someone works out how to detect detection and attack the snitch's online presence, or manipulate them into danger..

Yeah, social warfare - you want to get girls into coding, I'm afraid that's the front door :)

Boys? Show them how to write an aimbot so they can cheat in online games. Boys are simpler :)

For extra credit, let them hack the teachers laptop and find the hidden porn folder. Only populate it with *healthy* stuff, coz Jeez, the kids these days believe the shite out there is *real* and they need some serious pointers.

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