Reply to post: Re: Human Nature

Why has the web gone to hell? Market chaos and HUMAN NATURE

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Human Nature

>Who gets to decide what is right thinking and what is wrong thinking?

The answer has always been the same : Those with the most power and the desire to retain it... ( Driving force = Greed = a very powerfull motivator).

>Which ideology is allowed and promoted to the exclusion of all others?

The ideology that will be allowed is related to the above response as the idealogies are "controlled" by the same people. ( Churches and Government work hand in hand when necessary but will work single handedly when they have enough turf, most often it is they who nurture the ideologies, until such times as a Ghandi, MalcomX, Mao, Hitler arrives which usually results in the changing, be it temporary or constant, of idealogies.).

>Does a free and tolerant society ban certain viewpoints in the name of the common good?

A "free society",it is an oxymoron. Free can only ever been taken into consideration on an individual basis. Societies require "laws" and law in general *control/restrict" freedom . Freedom is potentialy a huge risk for Society. We can only live in a society when we limit our freedom. ( Otherwise I would use my freedom to kill my neighbour for drinking too much, firing his gun after watching the world cup and seeing his team win, having a potentially dangerous dog, rude children and a car that insults good taste. )

>Is said society then really free and tolerant, or is it just as repressive as the evil it claims to be saving us from?

Definately, hence the catch 22 situation of the serpent biting it's own tail.

>Are some animals destined to be more equal than other animals?

Yes, this resolves down to the basic law of nature "Kill or be Killled".

The result of all this - BAU....

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