Reply to post: Re: Old data on

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Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Old data on

NOTE: Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs) get statutory access to the CLOSED register and are legally entitled to onsell the data they get hold of.

This is clearly against DPA principles and subverts the entire closed register process in any case. got around losing their court case by managing to strike a deal with one of the 3 consumer-focussed CRAs to hoover up data.

To prevent this happening, you need to hit your council _and_ the CRAs with a DPA section 11 Data protection Notice you can send in (by email!) has a good template at - sign the petition while you are there.

CRA Addresses confirmed to be working for Section11 notices are:

administrator@192.COM - this is where 192 claim to have bought their information from

Council addresses are a tad harder: You should get hold of your local council's Electoral Returning Officer email address - phone them up and ask for it, or their general address. Once the email has been delivered they are obliged to act on it, even if the initial delivery was to the wrong department.

192 responded quickly.

Equifax are trying to wriggle out of it (they initially responded with an illegal "Here, fill in this credit reporting form" response.)

Callcredit and Experian haven't bothered responding yet (and by all account probably won't)

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