Reply to post: @ TedF

Govt control? Hah! It's IMPOSSIBLE to have a successful command economy

codejunky Silver badge

@ TedF

That assumes no capitalism and probably more of a corrupt socialist paradise. Capitalism works due to a flow of money which requires people to spend. To spend there must be an income which capitalism dictates to be earned. To earn an income requires the will to do something for others that they are not willing to do for themselves (cant or wont). An employer buys the workers time, energy and experience and the worker is paid for that. As such the employer is paid by customers for organisation while the workers are paid by an employer for their contribution.

The logical steps follow to look after people between work as well as health and education to improve the workforce but this seems to fall apart as governments 'prescribe' the education while opening borders to countries with cheaper, better trained and/or willing workforces. Capitalism has its flaws but a lot of flaws seem to be added after interference by govs. Capitalism keeps things moving while a centrally planned organisation must somehow keep its eyes on everything and yet look ahead.

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