Reply to post: Re: I mostly agree with this article

Top Ten 802.11ac routers: Time for a Wi-Fi makeover?


Re: I mostly agree with this article

"When I see an Airport router, I immediately begin swearing..."

Concur, even though I own a Mac. Most of the situations I've been in where I've had to configure AirPort gear I've either been on Ubuntu at the time or the gear has been old enough that the AirPort client on my Mac doesn't support it.

I understand Apple's philosophy behind it all but a web-based admin option really wouldn't go amiss. 'Someone nearby will have a Mac or iPad' isn't a sufficient excuse when every other brand of device has an admin interface that doesn't discriminate.

On the plus side it's pretty solid kit once it's set up, so it's rare that the admin interface should be needed again until it's passed onto someone else.

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