Reply to post: Re: unsolicited

UK WhatsApp duo convicted of possessing extreme porn

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: unsolicited

"And who determines a person's ability to recover a file?"

It's a terrifying law. You're actually punished for being smart. I can build a scanning tunneling microscope from parts lying around my home. In theory, I could wed that to a Raspberry Pi and - presuming I could obtain or construct stepping motors/gearing with a fine enough range - I could recover files directly from a wide variety of platters.

I can also remove the controller chip from a flash drive and replace it with something that would allow me raw access to the cells. That would allow me to pull a cell-by-cell image of the drive - something that's virtually impossible with a controller in the way - and then most likely find the deleted images in "spare" cells waiting for new writes.

So, unless I throw away ever computer storage device I own and never use electronic communications again I would vulnerable. "Extreme pornography" ends up in my spam on a semiregular basis and absolutely shows up during internet searches...usually for things so completely unrelated it's baffling.

If I lived in the UK, the knowledge inside my head would be illegal. The country has actually managed to codify thought crime.

What. The. Fuck.

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