Reply to post: Re: MS v Samsung

Microsoft blasts sueball at Samsung over Android patent royalties


Re: MS v Samsung

>>Law - Samsung agreed a deal,

And you are informed about all the specifics of this deal? It was an NDA, and you have some connections? Maybe you should be employed by Samsung as a lawyer then

>> And before someone says 'ms is forcing the market by making people pay the price of Google's infringement' this is one of the basic principles of economics

The principles of economics fail to stand when there is a fat and impudent monopoly around. It's like certain laws of nature (conservation, Boyle–Mariotte etc laws) -- they remain true until the system is closed, otherwise one can come up with some weird and unexpected contradictions. The infamous US Health System controversy is another example.

>>Samsung's position in the phone market is undeserved

Your principles of economics are now gone?

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