Reply to post: Re: Legacy only

Call off the firing squad: HP grants stay of execution to OpenVMS


Re: Legacy only

Perhaps you did not notice the "now" in my the trouble is it is too different from the mainstream now. Yes, I am old enough to remember when VMS was mainstream. In fact I had some experience of using and programming on it (and TOPS-20) before I first encountered UNIX. At the time the features in VMS were not unusual, other minicomputer operating systems had similar style. But now OS'es have converged on somewhat "unixy" solutions, so it is VMS that is the odd man out. And this makes supporting it alongside other systems a pain.

Some examples of what I mean include the baroque file name syntax "drive:[dir1.dir2]filename.ext;version" (with some users preferring <> instead of [] delimiters so you must be prepared for either), and file types, so for example text files are commonly represented in several ways and the C library did not completely hide the distinction (try fwriting or seeking a variable-length record text file). Lots of pitfalls that have wasted my time over the years. Yes, I do know VMS pretty well, and that is why I don't like it!

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