Reply to post: Re: Amortise

Kiwi Rocket Lab to build SUPER-CHEAP sat launchers (anyone know 30 rocket scientists?)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Amortise

I don't know what Copenhagen Sub-Orbital's budget to date has been, but I'd be highly surprised if they've had anything like a billion USD thus far (they're an amateur rocketry outfit), and their ultimate aim is to send a human on a sub-orbital flight. Granted, achieving orbit is that bit harder, but 5mil doesn't sound inconceivable to me (NB: I am not an expert, I just follow current space efforts online now and then). And didn't SpaceX get going with considerably less than a billion and are now delivering loads to the ISS, with a human-rated multi-crew capsule due to launch within a couple of years?

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