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Philip K Dick 'Nazi alternate history' story made into TV series

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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under no circumstances should any Jewish state be allowed to defend itself

...Dragging pro-cleaning operations via mechanized armies by ultranationalist religious nutcases into a discussion about PKD

...Being that kind of an asshat

His brothers had been killed in ‘44, strangled with wire by British commandos, the Long Range Desert Group which had operated behind Axis lines and which had become especially fanatic during the last phases of the war when it was clear that the Allies could not win.

“How do you feel about the British now?” she asked haltingly.

Joe said, “I’d like to see them do to England what they did in Africa.” His tone was flat.

“But it’s been—eighteen years,” Juliana said. “I know the British especially did terrible things. But—”

“They talk about the things the Nazis did to the Jews,” Joe said. “The British have done worse. In the Battle of London.” He became silent. “Those fire weapons, phosphorus and oil; I saw a few of the German troops, afterward. Boat after boat burned to a cinder. Those pipes under the water—turned the sea to fire. And on civilian populations, by those mass fire-bombing raids that Churchill thought were going to save the war at the last moment. Those terror attacks on Hamburg and Essen and—”

“Let’s not talk about it,” Juliana said. In the kitchen, she started cooking bacon; she turned on the small white plastic Emerson radio which Frank had given her on her birthday. “I’ll fix you something to eat.” She dialed, trying to find some light, pleasant music.

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