Reply to post: Re: Sticker

El Reg nips down IKEA's 'I've Got A Screw Loose Street'


Re: Sticker

Back of the enveloppe calculations: the (somewhat nice-looking) model looks like she is, roughly, say, 1m62 (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm probably not that far off). That puts her max reach up at ~2m10, which seems to be the bottom of the sign (back of the envelope estimation, again). Scaling up, it means that a 1m75 male would have no problem sticking it there without even jumping (1m75 is a tiny bit taller than the mean Spanish guy; I'm quite the optimist type. More scientifically, in any population youngsters are above the mean height, for reasons both physiological and evolutionary; they're also more likely to put stickers up there.)

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