Reply to post: Re: My father in law

You 'posted' a 'letter' with Outlook... No, NO, that's the MONITOR

Andrew Jones 2

Re: My father in law

I know far too many people like this,

want to shop online at ASDA - they will Google ASDA

What about Chrome - where the search bar is already there - nope - the first thing they do when they are presented with Chrome is type Google into it. I have explained countless times they can type exactly what they are looking for into the bar without having to go Google first, but it falls on deaf ears.

Unfortunately we really must try harder, scammers know this behaviour all too well, and that's why try try really hard to get fake pages near the top of Google. Because logging in to Facebook, requires a trip to Google first in order to find Facebook, and whatever is near the top of the results - must be Facebook.

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