Reply to post: Re: Damm.

Keith McMahon, tech analyst, dies at 50

John Smith 19 Gold badge

Re: Damm.

"Unless you're in the US, where the doctors are completely and totally incompetent at anything more complex than a broken bone or a couple of stitches."

Well this is a UK website and in the UK they have this thing called the NHS which "free at the point of use."

For US readers I guess you should get yourself down to the ER. Or perhaps start praying.

I saw an amazing leaflet a few days ago. It read

"If you're seeing blood in your poo for 3 weeks you should see your doctor."

Obviously because there are people out there who do have such symptoms and have not seen a doctor.

No matter how long I live I cannot seem to run out of finding new ways for people to be stupid.

You can be a little embarrassed or a lot dead.

The choice is yours.

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