Reply to post: Re: BoringGreen Paul Crawford Cryptome @Plump & Bleaty

Remaining Snowden docs will be released to avert 'unspecified US war' – ‪Cryptome‬


Re: BoringGreen Paul Crawford Cryptome @Plump & Bleaty

Hello plumpness vicious carnivore

> Fail again! Apart from the fact those gents stood trial whereas Snowjob ran to hide behind Pooties' skirts, the whole point was to show that you were ignorant of the large amount of information out there pre-Snowjob.

You said "it is the fact that they brought copious amounts of information into the public arena". Snowden did. Whether anyone stood trial is irrelevant to the release of the information. So snowden did good like the others did good, right?

> never said ECHELON was put on trial

you are correct

> what I clearly stated [...]is that those people stood public trials where the evidence of their whistleblowing was examined, including the information they leaked

Ref please, and I'll retract. If I don't provide evidence which I need to retract my statement then you are conceding that I am correct.

> Once again, your civil liberties commission has authority to make policy about laws

At least you've given up on the 'politicised whimsy' line and gone to 'unelected Euro bureaucrats' (giggle).

Anyway, you said they had no legal standing. Again, from their website, the link to which you cannot apparently click (bit of footrot paining you there, plumps?)


The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is in charge of most of the legislation and democratic oversight for policies linked to the transformation of the European Union in the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) (art. 3 TEU).


So it " in charge of most of the legislation..." but has no legal standing?!

> Euro Court of Justice blah blah

Plumpo tries the distraction technique again. Falls flat on face again. Breaks fearsomely sharp canine.

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