Reply to post: Re: Erm, no

Remaining Snowden docs will be released to avert 'unspecified US war' – ‪Cryptome‬

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: Erm, no

"A list of informants names and addresses could still put them in danger many decades in the future, so should never be published."

Probably true.

"Proof that the NSA was spying on the leaders of friendly nations would still be relevant for as long as people identify with those nations - which is longer than the nation itself continues to exist."

Maybe, but people need to know the harm their governments have done if we are to learn from the mistakes of the past and correct them. Would you prefer the Germans covered up WWII, denied the holocaust and the existence of the Nazi party?

"If proof was published showing that the French secret service had detailed knowledge of everything most US citizens were doing last decade, would they be happy about it?"

No. And they'd demand reparations, or at the very least promises it wouldn't happen again, with some form of monitoring that would ensure this. International policy regarding privacy might very well move forward at that point,and we might see positive social change.

We need to know the ills our governments have done in our name so that we can prevent them from being repeated.

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