Reply to post: Re: an affordable, clever, home amplifier that "gets" the internet and Hifi

Tech that we want (but they never seem to give us)


Re: an affordable, clever, home amplifier that "gets" the internet and Hifi

You're missing the point - I just want to be able to buy it, not fuss with it. And I don't really really believe the sound quality of a cheap tablet is gonna be that great, especially not if it's being pushed out of the headphone jack.

Why not add $100-200 of networking/Android-type tech to a mid-range amp chassis and have a wifi component that does the same things our phones already do, but with decent, home stereo level, sound quality? Even the Yamaha series, which is the closest I've seen this come to, are still not totally getting the internet, what with needing add-on wifi modules and having finicky controls.

If I wanted to plug something in, well, then I'd plug my phone in and have done so in the past. This is about having an amp where that functionality is built-in.

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