back to article Google's cloud printing goes physical

Android and iPhone users of Google's online services can now print too, probably, and if they've got the right supporting equipment. Google launched its cloud printing solution early in December last year, as an essential component of its Chrome OS. That release was only capable of printing out a single test page, limiting its …


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  1. jake Silver badge


    I can already print to any of the printers on my network, from any of the computers on my network, on six continents. And I have print access to a network at McMurdo, on the rare occasion that I need it, thus bagging the seventh ... And yet, when I actually want to print something (maybe once a month or so), it gets sent to the printer at my elbow ... unless it's an ASCII-art Snoopy sent to a line-printer in my machine-room for one of my nieces or nephews. Why in the fuck would I want to send a print-job through a global advertising monstrosity like google?

    Seriously, why? What is the point? Are people really this stupid?

    Maybe I'm in the wrong line of work ...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Down


      Or maybe it's marketed at people other than those who have access to networks on seven continents?

      I think the point of it is pretty clear, it's to support mobile devices, i.e. Andoid and Chrome OS with the occasional Windows note/netbook running Google Docs. You know, so they can print without being connected to a LAN or if they are out of their SOHO.

      Maybe Google had their collective head up their arses when they didn't market this at you, but then there are a few billion people on the planet that aren't you.

      1. jake Silver badge

        @AC 13:08

        "Or maybe it's marketed at people other than those who have access to networks on seven continents?"

        Or maybe it's marketed at unthinking idiots who don't understand technology ... also known as "taking candy from babies" and/or "there's a sucker born every minute" ...

        "I think the point of it is pretty clear, it's to support mobile devices, i.e. Andoid and Chrome OS with the occasional Windows note/netbook running Google Docs. You know, so they can print without being connected to a LAN or if they are out of their SOHO."

        If they don't have physical access to the network the printer is on, what's the fucking point? The print-job will just sit there, waiting, absolutely useless to the person who printed it. And if they DO have physical access to the printer, why go thru' google? Again, what's the fucking point? Unless it's yet another tool for google to collect data from TheGreatUnwashed[tm], that is.

        "Maybe Google had their collective head up their arses when they didn't market this at you, but then there are a few billion people on the planet that aren't you."

        My point, exactly. The goo-twats are siphoning money from the ignorant. If I had the stomach for it, I'd be filthy rich instead of merely comfortably retired ... Conning people as a means of making a living is probably the real first profession ...

        One wonders if the folks that down-voted mine were planted by google ... There can't be that many people reading this particular forum who are that hard-of-thinking.

  2. Tom 7

    Ah printing

    the computing worlds abject failure to use computing technology.

    A bit like using the Ferrari to drive to the stables because your arse isnt formatted for a car.

  3. Elmer Phud

    Ah, progress

    And to think it was only about 30 years ago working on phones in theXerox building on Euston Road (London (England)) i saw that the menu on the screen asked which printer, where? With 'where' meaning ' which country, which office, which printer'. All in glorious 256 shades of grey.

    O.K., a closed network but well before the interwebs as we know it and well before M$ Windows and even Macs.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Works from my Android phone

    Took a few seconds to find the printers via the web interface, but printed out really easily

    Not sure how often I'd use it though as with a smartphone I never print stuff anymore...

  5. John Robson Silver badge


    My post script printer got it's test page directly from my Android.

    There is no need for it to leave my house...

    Add a "view as PDF" option to docs mobile and we're sorted.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Can't wait for the first

    page of ink cartridge ads to pop out of my printer.

    1. David Barrett


      Or 30 sheets of solid rainbows followed by 1 page page of cartridge adverts.

  7. Battsman

    RE: "Ah, printing"

    I'm an avid computer user - have been for years, I use a Kindle because I got sick of the waste (and the pile of paperbacks that I had no space for). I get my news via the Internet.

    I still find printing an important part of my work. I find effectively and EFFICIENTLY marking up control schematics, logic diagrams, etc. with a keyboard and mouse to be next to impossible. NOTE: I'm not saying I can't do it, I'm saying I can't do it efficiently - and time is money.

    Perhaps in another 5 years, I'll be able to use 3 or 4 monitors with a clean touch interface that would allow for efficient and quick manipulation of documents. However, the current technology (at least at a standard user's cost budget) just isn't there.

    Or to put it another way, don't assume everyone's usage matches yours - printing is still a necessity for some people.

    1. J. Cook Silver badge

      RE: RE: "Ah, printing"

      I can wholly agree with this: It's faster for me to find, say, network closets on a paper copy of the blueprints then trying to scroll around a electronic scan of the same document.

      1. Ammaross Danan

        Re: Re: Re: etc. "Ah, printing"

        I'm in agreement too. There's just some things a few quick hand-scrawlings and drawings are perfect for. To do this on a computer, you need to load the doc in some editor that can support such things, save it, pass it on to whomever needs it, and hope your scrawlings are still legible and intact. Not to mention the pen interface, touchscreen, or crappy mouse-drawing one would need in addition to that software support....

  8. Gareth Howell


    Generally when you (ok, at least for me) want to print you want the hard copy now. What is the point of printing a document out on the train home when I'm still an hour away? Or better yet printing when I'm on holiday?

    If I don't need the print out immediately, then I can either wait till I get home to print it, or (big shock coming, you've been warned) I don't need to print the damn thing out to start off with.

    This just seems like a marketing gimick and a case of developer syndrome.

    Developer syndrome, is where a developer always want to work on the latest and greatest tech, some times when it isn't appropriate.

  9. Mr Will

    Why? Simple

    The reason behind this is driver-free printing. A lot of people are doing a lot of browsing, emails, work, etc on smartphones, tablets and in theory the forthcoming chrome OS.

    Now I could send my document to my main PC, open it up and print it from there, but that's a bit of a hassle. Much easier to just be able to press print on whatever device I am using and let "the cloud" sort it out.

    1. Hayden Clark Silver badge


      This is the point.

      Now, only the computer running Chrome, attached to the actual printer needs the driver. When the Sales-weasel comes into the office, he can just print - instead of annoying some busy IT-bod until they install the driver for the printer he can see in front of him, and prevent the Power-point handouts he's printing appearing on a printer in another office!

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