back to article Orange doles out an IOU to Christian pareidolians

Iran, the US of A, and WMDs. If there are any subjects guaranteed to garner a response from you lot, they'd be up there. This time, it was the flame of the week that got you fired up: I really shouldn't respond to a FoTW, but: "As I watch England turn into a quivering pile of dung, like their marines and sailors are supposed to …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    why oh why

    1. nuclear weapons will help bring about the apocalypse so many christians are looking forward to, since life is nothing to them but pain and suffering and only in death may they enter the kingdom of heaven.

    2. you cannot argue with religious people, only ignore them. anyone who is going to base their entire life on hearsay is not going to listen to facts, logic, or reason.

    3. as for why the US is so awful even though supposedly it has so many good people in it, is that it dosen't, it never did, it has a bunch of religious extremists descendants whose ancestors were driven out of europe and the rest because they were so extreme and unreasonable. so does it really surprised you to find them 200 years later to be essentially the same religious zealots they were before? yes, their hatred of all other religions like the moslem faith is hidden under a facade of humanitarianism, but thats just the glove over the fist. america helps those who submit, and even then, only in the hope they will one day adopt our insane death cult religion known as christianity.

    4. the us is not a 'free' country. our constitution gives lip service to free speech, but our constitution, as many of you europeans do not understand, is worthless, it does nothing to actually protect its citizens. there is nothing stopping the police from arresting and interrogating me for posting this unpatriotic message. there is nothing keeping my co workers and associates from distrusting and suspecting me because i'm not a christian. i can only put up the best front i can and hope i'm not reported and arrested, in our free democratic society. remind you of any other countries? like iraq under saddam hussein?

  2. John Imrie

    Re: Why oh Why

    Actually it dos not remind me of iraq under Sadam Hussein.

    Under Sadam Iraq was a progressive secular sociaty. They even allowed their wimin to own property and be educated.

    Humm No wonder the US invaded.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Home Office certified biometric catflaps

    Y'know I'd actually get a cat if it meant I had to swipe its arse across a photo of John Reid on a regular basis.

    Hell I'd get a dozen if they did a limited Hazel Blears edition.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Why oh Why

    As a Christian and American I would like to respond to the points in your posting.

    1. No Christian that I am aware of is praying for nuclear war. We pray for the return of Christ which means a time of tribulation but that doesn’t mean we relish the tribulation and it certainly doesn’t mean we want to wage nuclear war to hasten Armageddon. We also don’t believe that life is only pain and suffering. The fall of man brought death and sin into the world but we have also received many blessings both common and personal. Life is a combination of pain and joy with heaven being a whole lot of the later and none of the former. Your comments show that either you are in contact with psychotics who claim to be Christians or you just don’t understand Christianity.

    2. This is an interesting comment because it presupposes that anyone who argues with you doesn’t listen to facts, logic, and cannot reason. In other words, you have presupposed that you are always right.

    3. I am not sure how to deal with this bucket of venom. After reading it I can only think to point out that from what I can surmise, it is you who are sadly filled with an unreasoning zealous hatred. Christianity extols us to love our neighbor and to turn the other cheek. No Christian does this perfectly but at least we are told to try. In the end, you are filled with hatred against people who are trying not to hate. Is that a position you really want to be in?

    4. Are the Christian police really knocking down your door? Are you really hiding in the corner waiting for rabid Christians to chain you up and throw you in prison? You make it sound like you are surrounded by pod people who if they knew you were still human would force you to go to sleep. If you are really living with this sort of paranoia then I would urge you to seek some help (secular of course). We are a relatively free country (nobody is completely free) and no one is trying to arrest or forcefully convert you. From my perspective this is not a Christian country and it is in fact hostile towards Christianity but I don’t think atheists are coming to get me.

    I won’t bother responding to your assertion that America is the same as Iraq under Hussein. When people start arguing this I give up.

  5. Andy Bright

    What? eh?

    Your Constipation gives your lips freedom of space? Make sense boy.. don't mumble..

    And as for you Mr Christian, you couldn't be more wrong.. Atheists are coming to get you.. you see that black helicopter.. that would be them now.

  6. Paul

    flame of the week entries go here now?

    I didn't know you could enter for flame of the week by the comment forms. Well spotted, "why oh why"!

  7. Alan Simpson

    Re: Re: Why oh Why

    Smell something Rabbit...? Fear.

  8. This post has been deleted by its author

  9. Martin Benson


    Pareidolians are people who come from Pareidolia, obviously.

  10. Ian Rogers

    Logic check

    Christian and American: "This is an interesting comment because it presupposes that anyone who argues with you doesn’t listen to facts, logic, and cannot reason."

    No, "why oh why" said:

    "anyone who is going to base their entire life on hearsay is not going to listen to facts, logic, or reason."

    That is, even if they *agree* with you they are not going to listen to facts, logic, or reason - which, with your response, you admirably demonstrated...

  11. Danny

    Re: Re: Re: Why oh Why

    John 15:18 NIV

    "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."


  12. Mike Moyle

    Re: why oh why

    Hmmm -

    "2. ...anyone who is going to base their entire life on hearsay is not going to listen to facts, logic, or reason.

    "3. as for why the US is so awful even though supposedly it has so many good people in it, is that it dosen't, it never did, "


    Logically, of course, statement 3 implies that the poster of "why oh why" is not a good person him/herself, since s/he apparently lives in the US.

    Further, if the poster intends readers of "why oh why" to assume that s/he is amenable to "facts, logic, or reason", then surely s/he would concede the fallacy of assuming that just because s/he has never met any good people, that they do not exist. I have never personally seen a blue whale. All of my experience of them is at least second hand. This does not mean that I believe that they do not exist, just that I have no direct evidence that they do.

    (And, to paraphrase Ron White: "Y'know, after meeting the first 20,000 or so (evil people), maybe you've oughtta start to wonder, 'Maybe it's ME... Maybe I'M the common denominator in this equation...'")

    If you're going to insist on logic and reason from others, and pour scorn on those who don't use it, offer it yourself.

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