back to article Murdoch buys into education

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp has bought Wireless Generation - a privately-held US schools software provider. News Corp is paying $360m (£226m) for 90 per cent of the company, which is based in Brooklyn. Wireless Generation, founded in 2000, makes assessment software for testing kids' progress in key subjects. It has customers …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Scary thought...

    Do you believe in Faux News. An answer of No gets you an automatic failure grade.

    Second question. Is intelligent design a scientific fact or a delusion. An answer different from "scientific fact" gets you an automatic failure grade.

    And so on.

    I guess the next generation of our cousins across of the Atlantic will now be guaranteed to be members of the teapot movement if they are to have a grade high enough to land a job. Smart move. Applause.

    1. Elmer Phud

      Once you've brainwashed the parents . .

      "makes assessment software for testing kids' progress in key subjects."

      'Do you like the Simpsons - brought to you by 20C Fox'?

      etc, etc,

      and to think there were people warning about Mudroach well over 30 years ago.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      The fail grade is all yours

      "An answer different from "scientific fact" gets you an automatic failure grade."

      Somone who uses phrases like "scientific fact" has already failed. No wonder you're anonymous.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Well that's the kids life screwed

    "testing kids' progress in key subjects. "

    English: Can you spell.




    Pedo (sic)

    Well congratulations, You have top maks.

    Now Maths.

    You have 2 pairs of tits, 4 immigrants and a group " OUR Brave Lads". Wot number of council cheats will there be?


    Draw a Girl with a DD and Pedo Tax dodging council cheat.


    How much water is contained in Tracey's, 18 from Sloughs DD chest?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Not sure why you AC'ed though. Murdoch doesn't own the police. Yet.

  3. Llanfair

    Oh dear...

    I am really worried about the Murdoch empire taking over education. They will indoctrinate children from a young age in schools to vote republicans and to watch Fox News.

    I am glad that the bishops are opposing Murdoch taking over complete control of BSB.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Oh dear...

      "I am glad that the bishops are opposing Murdoch taking over complete control of BSB. They will indoctrinate children from a young age in schools to vote republicans and to watch Fox News."

      Unlike the BBC, which indoctrinates children from a young age in schools to worry about Global Warming, and blame mankind for everything.

      We don't have Fox News here. Could you hop off back to whatever suburban liberal enclave you live in, eat your organic veggies, and wait for Armageddon?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        We do have Fox News here ...

        .... since our societies are pretty closely connected. An America even further to the right is something you are very much going to experience in a very bad way. It starts with the tent that we are all sinful and ends in the mass extinction of humankind being a "rapture". There's that hatred of humans you're so worried about.

        And I learned about greenhouses gases and climate change from public school. Not sure where your BBC conspiracy fits into that.

  4. bob 46

    Mr Murdoch

    That man should not be allowed near education. His papers are the very worst type of gutter press, one of the very worst things in the world today. He will do nothing but serious and irreversible harm to education.

  5. TimNevins
    Thumb Down

    Can you spell FOX. Here is a simple Maths test

    A =1 and Z = 26


    F = 6 = 6 = 6

    O = 15 = (1+5) = 6

    X = 24 = (2+4) = 6


    It's just a coincidence. Isn't it?

  6. Shakje

    Or perhaps...

    They'll make some software that tests kids adequately, isn't too bad, and makes him some more money. I don't like him any more than the next guy, and I worry about the takeover of BSB, but I'm not going to run around thinking the sky's falling down because of this article. So he decided to make some more money, big news. He won't be able to modify the questions in any of the ways you are implying.

  7. Andy Miller

    Subtly Wrong

    I doubt that Murdoch will likely to exercise "subtle editorial influence". He's never been subtle before.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Great that

    A bishop, from that well known haven for paedo's, the Church, is opposing an aussie from influencing kids before they get a chance to prey on them

    call me sarcastic...........

  9. Magnus_Pym

    Who would have thought?

    Murdoch and education in the same news story.

  10. Ascylto
    Big Brother

    Likes it, he does.


    I like it.

    A lot.

    As good as FUX NEWS.

  11. bugalugs

    < drunkenyarn> Sir Keith Murdoch

    spent 4 days at Gallipoli in 1915, according to Charles Bean, as a war correspondent for an Australian newspaper. Later, he was asked to take a letter from Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, a British correspondent, to the British PM Asquith. He complied but was stopped en-route by French MPs in Marseille, where the letter was confiscated for some gallic reason. Reaching Blighty eventually , Murdoch wrote a letter to the Australian PM, Fisher, summarizing the letter, which was very critical of the rear-echelon brass, seat shiners and edge-painters seen by Ashmead-Bartlett ( erm now under KM's byline ) given the suffering of the men at Gallipoli. Asquith got a copy, spread it round and got the Gallipoli withdrawal happening politically. Australia has always celebrated Gallipoli withdrawal as a military triumph ( i think We think it wasn't as messy as Dunkirk or something don't hit me Dunkirk was amazing ). Sir Keith also teamed up with Charles Bean in an effort to have the highly effective Australian General John Monash dismissed because " We do not want Australia represented by men mainly because of their ability, natural and inborn in Jews, to push themselves " ( sic & wtf ? ) </drunkenyarn>

    Rupert has been sticking his fingers anywhere he could since I ever heard his name. He has had extra-ordinary financial breath and acute perceptions of the psychology of his audience ( sometimes, thankyou ). This byte about political whoredom has been redacted as it has no relevance to a real affection for children. But in this bit I posit that dedicated wetware is much better at evaluating overall educational progress. That is all.

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