back to article Twitpic pulls 50 Cent bum burger snap

50 Cent is none too impressed that Twitpic last night objected to a snap of of his "Kim K burger" and decided it'd probably be better if they suspended his account altogether. He gaily twittered "Yall like my Kim K burger?", and posted a link to the offending photograph, which rapidly resulted in Twitpic expulsion. A couple …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward nom nom nom

    looks tastier then a badly packed kebab!

  2. Anonymous Coward


    Burgers - look the same on the way in as on the way out ....

    AC obviously

  3. Greg J Preece

    Does 50 pence remind anyone

    Of a 12 year old boy trying to sound well 'ard, like?

    Shit nigga, don't be touchin' my shit, yo. Cut you up.

  4. Natalie Gritpants


    Add your own mayo

  5. Anonymous Coward


    ....he has a management team? When are they going to tell him to stop "singing"

    Grenade....Well if he's going to "bust a cap" in my ass, i call Martyrdom, The joys of COD4.

  6. Bob H


    Arse burgers?

    I'll get my coat.

  7. Richard Jukes

    Royale with Cheese

    That's one tasty motherfucking burger, where did you say it was from again?

  8. The Other Steve
    Thumb Up


    I hadn't considered that a load of mouthy 'gangstas' with the wit of dormice might be on twitter, that will give me someone hilarious to bait now that all the politicians have blocked me (gotta collect em all)

  9. Arnold Lieberman

    Gee, a rapper getting angry

    Stereotype alert!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Isn't that like a double-double-negative-negative?

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Before you all get bent out of shape...

    "Man when I figure out how to use the spell Check on this motherfucker you niggas in trouble."

    OK, anyone who thinks he's being serious about this needs their sarcasm detector checked.

    Nevertheless, I anticipate a flood of people

    a) Saying that Fitty doesn't deserve to be famous because he doesn't write well

    b) Saying that rap isn't music

    c) Ranting about his mock threats as if they're serious

    I should note that, for the record, Mr. Cent got shot nine times at once, which is nine times more than most pop-rappers, and gives him at least some "street cred", as the kids say these days.

    You also don't get where he is without working, really, really, really hard - say what you will about his grammar, talent, or judgment, he's definitely not lazy.


    A guy who listens almost exclusively to classical, euro anthem trance, and ambient/downtempo.

    1. Anonymous Coward


      Lazy? No.

      Idiot? Yes.

    2. Anonymous Coward


      So you mean all these years I've been trying to be cool and hip by smoking, playing loud music and swearing I've been wasting my time? No wonder the rad kids didn't like me, I hadn't been shot nine times. Feck, my life is all but wasted.

      Hold on a minute, maybe if I catch a flight to Cape Town and go and taunt some car jackers my life will be worth living again.

      1. mike 32

        As a Capetonian...

        You really have to be in the wrong place, at the VERY wrong time to get shot here. Get into an argument with the wrong person of course and a doctor will spend hours sewing you back together after being worked over with a broken bottle, but shot? Not likely.

        I used to hear (mid 90's) gunshots in Pretoria fairly often, but never in Cape Town...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          As an ex-Capetonian

          I left Cape Town in 1992 but lived there for 8 years in all. Got woken once in around 1990 by a limpet mine exploding down the road (at Wynberg Magistrates court).

          I heard shooting twice in Cape Town during the time I was there. Once was a cop shooting at a car and the other was me shooting at a thief.

          I was in Pretoria/Jhb from 1984-87 and heard a lot more shooting there.

    3. Greg J Preece

      It must have taken great skill to get shot

      It seems to often be used - as here - as a justification for his fame. What you're basically saying is, he's shit, but he got shot, so he's not.

      Personally, I call BS.

    4. Mark 65


      "I should note that, for the record, Mr. Cent got shot nine times at once"

      and there was me thinking he'd been "hit with 6 shells but I don't walk widda limp"

    5. Bryce Prewitt

      euro anthem trance and ambient/downtempo

      oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz.

      We're supposed to care what you think... why?

    6. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re:"You also don't get where he is without working, really, really, really hard"


      You get where he is by shouting really, really, really loudly and repetitively, until the morons start believing that your drivel is justified since you've been blabbering for so long.

    7. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @ David W

      You forgot option d) He's an idiot.

  11. Code Monkey


    In a way, I'm glad you posted the pic - my mind was boggling about what a bum burger might have been. Mind you I thought Kim Kardashian was some senior Nokia wonk. Popular culture? I've heard of it.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      I thought Kim Kardashian

      was something from Star Trek Deep Space 9.

  12. Anonymous Coward

    New keyboard please

    I laughed far too hard at the spell check part.

  13. Pirate Dave Silver badge


    is THAT why I keep seeing the otherwise unremarkable Kardashian chicks everywhere? Because they were born with hamburger genitals? Shouldn't they be in a carnie tent somewhere, charging $5 a head to "See the woman with a real hamburger bun"?

    Beer icon, becuz it's Friday, and pirates get thirsty.

  14. Anonymous Coward

    hope i am first to say...

    Ham(burger) pocket

  15. Natalie Gritpants

    Getting shot nie times does not give you street cred

    Getting shot at without getting hit might, but even better is having enough intelligence to not be around idiots with guns.

  16. blkbam
    Thumb Down

    another use for butts

    I used to think asses had two uses, sitting and shitting. and I still think the same thing.

    1. fatchap

      Other uses?

      Posting in on twitter and writing rap music?

    2. frank ly

      Another Use For Butts

      As I found out many years ago, you can use your butt to steer a barge. Just wedge the tiller between your butt-cheeks, adopt a comfortable stance facing forward and leaning back slightly; then you have both hands free to eat a sandwich and drink a beer (or food/beverage of personal choice).

      If you get your stance adjusted properly, you can turn your upper body to the right, whereupon the barge will steer proportionally to the right, and vice versa. At the time, as far as I could see, nobody else was steering in that way.

  17. Peter X

    50cent on Charlie Brooker's gameswipe

    Whenever I hear the name "50cent", I'm always reminded of the 50cent game mentioned on Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe. See here, and skip to 4:10 minutes in:

    It hilarious!

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Fitty" on Graham Norton

    BBC America happened to show it just last weekend. It turns out to my surprise, he's pretty sharp and has a hell of a sense of humo(u)r. He kept up with Graham and wasn't just there to sell a record or a book. That's about all I know about him, though, since I don't listen to music much.

  19. Anonymous Coward



    1. Gangsta
      IT Angle

      here we go,,,

      Can we imagine a twitter beef between these two?

      Now lets stop turning this IT SITE into a Rap Site.

      For the record - Get Rich or Die Tryin' is legendary and so is 50.

  20. lardheppus

    Someone has to say it...

    Clearly Mr. Cent is suffering from Assburger's syndrome.

  21. tom 24


    I suppose that's supposed to be humorous, and maybe sexy in a warped disturbing kind of way, but it just reminds me that I haven't had lunch. Maybe I've become desensitized. Or very hungry.

  22. Anonymous Coward

    If that's at room temperature....

    That can't be fit to eat. It's probably loaded with bacteria.

  23. lardheppus

    It could be worse.

    It could have been a sitz-kebab.

  24. James Smith 2

    Tasty ...

    That's one tasty arse.

  25. Tom Samplonius
    Dead Vulture

    Re: Wait...

    "....he has a management team? When are they going to tell him to stop "singing"?"

    Well, 50 cent has an estimated net worth of $440 million. So, he doesn't need to sing anymore, but I think he management team would like him to continue doing what he is doing, because it is a lot more successful any of the people reading The Reg, let alone writing for it.

    Kim Kardashian is only a worth a paltry $12 million. But even with a stash that small, she doesn't need to care about any of you.

  26. Eddy Ito

    50 cent

    I guess that means he's no two bit gangsta. The pic certainly explains why he's worth a nibble but I have to wonder why he didn't go for the whole byte.

  27. Anonymous Coward

    I call shenanigans

    I call shenanigans- it looks shopped.

    funny, but shopped.

    anon for employment protection. :D

    1. Steve Babb

      I agree

      Looks very similar to a lot of pics that did the rounds a few years ago.

      Apparently. Or so I heard from "a colleague"

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up


    And TG for Brit humour! I refer of course to the comments.

  29. Peter Clarke 1

    I prefer ...

    .... the Kylie Burger - not much meat but two very nice buns

  30. mmm mmm


    That's what I call a burger

  31. Ihre Papiere Bitte!!

    it's a slow Sunday...

    So I'm tempted to take a copy of the pic, put 'Serving Suggestion' on the bottom, then pin up in the frozen burger section of Sainsburys.

  32. JDX Gold badge
    Paris Hilton


    What's wrong with putting your meat in a pretty lady's bottom?

    Paris because... I don't think I need to elaborate!

  33. Anonymous Hero

    Who and who?

    ...nuff said.

  34. Max_Normal


    Should appeal to you IT lot.

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