back to article EU climate exchange website hit by green-hat hacker

An EU Climate Exchange website was hacked as part of a political protest against carbon credits by a green-hat defacement crew. The front page of the website was sprayed with digital graffiti lampooning the concept of applying a market-based approach to tackling carbon emissions. An anonymous group of hacktivists called …


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  1. Nigel Callaghan


    I didn't realise that science had advanced so far as to allow Climate Exchange. Is it a bit like town twinning and school exchanges? Can I put in a bid to exchange our local climate (wet West Wales) for something a bit sunnier and warmer? South of France?

    1. jonathanb Silver badge

      It is very old technology

      It uses a technique pioneered by the Catholic Church in the middle ages. You use the site to purchase indulgencies which allow you to emit a certain amount of pollution.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    "preposterously describes its attack as a public act of digital direct action"

    - this is a public? group, and they did something, lets call it an action, directly to an EU website ( .eu ) which by its nature is digital, so whatever the rights and wrongs, its an accurate description, no?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    we are all doomed anyway

    whilst both sides argue, nothing happens.

    Humans are not intelligent enough to make a difference.

    The majority will never change because they have no value in themselves, and usually are worth nothing anyway (no matter how rich they are).

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Lies, dam lies...

    ....Apache on Linux. ...

    No ONLY M$ Windoze can be hacked.

    Open sorce, no mater how badley configurred, is inpossible to hack!.

  5. JakeyC

    Climax Exchange

    "Netcraft reports the Climax Exchange website runs Apache on Linux"

    That's good to know, but can we stay on the climate topic please?

    I note is available to register - a sort of orgasmic freecycle, perhaps?

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Rather stupid idea

    Regardless of which side of the fence you sit regarding the climate change thing, the whole idea of "trading" pollution is an idea worthy of a Dr. Strangelove skit. It's an idea of such obscene lunacy that only human beings and politicians could come up with it. How giving money to someone in a deal that then allows you to pollute to your hearts content, in some way helps the planet, I have absolutely no idea. How does moving money about (which, let's face it, isn't even a tangible "thing" - it's just a concept - an idea) in any way mitigate the effects of pollution? Of course, it doesn't!

    What it DOES do though is allow governments around the world to largely ignore and do nothing about the real environmental problems that we have. Because doing something that is actually useful and realistic would require real effort, and nobody can really be bothered with that. And it's ok if we kill the planet and we all die from a multitude of environmental catastrophes, as long as some us get rich in the meantime :-) Yep - it makes perfect sense to me!

  7. blackworx
    Dead Vulture


    As in "aaaaah Vyvyan helllp! The machines are ganging up on me again!" Neil?

  8. andy 45

    preposterously describes its attack as a public act of digital direct action"

    'Preposterously' -- Is that the author's opinion? Or the Reg's opinion?

    Shouldn't this be left to opinion pieces with news stories just containing straight-up journalism?

    I'll be the one to determine preposterousness -- and believe me, i know it when I see it...

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