back to article More MIDs with ARM than Atom by 2013

Looking forward to the day when ARM chips appear in more handheld internet devices than Intel and other x86 processors do? You may not have too long to wait - though don't expect an overnight switch. Market watcher ABI Research today said ARM will overtake Intel as the platform of choice for netbooks, MIDs, tablets and UMPCs …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Rubbing hands...

    ...a decent Linux distro running on a decent ARM platform. I may just have a nerdgasm.

  2. Cameron Colley

    So, where is it then?!

    Where is the ARM+Linux netbook type device people keep banging on about, that will destroy MS's position in the "netbook space", or whatever?

    I'm guessing what this report means is more Googlephones and a few iMnOTatABLET's sold.

  3. spencer

    ...where are the ARM laptops (netbooks, whatever)?

    I hear about them, i want to buy and use one. Where are they??

    If 2010 is going to be a pivotal year then they need to start releasing these ARM netbook puppies into the wild.

    1. Hungry Sean


      I'm guessing that 2011 will be the break-out year for ARM mids-- NVIDIA's Tegra 2 sounds damn sweet, and it's just coming out (1.5 GHz ARM9 SMP + hi-res graphics). I'm guessing that it'll be another year before we start seeing products using Tegra, and maybe another year before it starts moving into more netbookie things. On another front, Apple did snap up PA-semi a few years back, it's possible that they are developing something crazy as well. Add in increases in SSD density and reduction in cost, and you have the potential for some very fast, very low power little devices.

      The interesting thing will be seeing how Microsoft responds: if Linux/ARM netbooks start gobbling up the market, they're going to need to port Windows 7 over; I don't think Win CE / Win mobile will really cut it. So, if we imagine 2011 for first ARM/Linux netbooks, and Microsoft gets worried, it seems like they might be able to port Windows 7 in two years, which would put us at 2013, as per the article. Maybe a tad aggressive, but not unreasonable.

  4. Outcast

    Where are the ARMS ?

    Well they wanna bloody well hurry up and make the ARM Netbooks available. I've had £300 burning a hole in my wallet for the past 3 weeks. I've been waiting to see whats announced at CES. Well thats been & gone.

    Where are the ARM Netbooks ?

    /Stomps feet

  5. Anonymous Coward

    You don't have to look far

    Since it comes with windows and linux is free, give them a go. They won't break the bank either.

    1. spencer


      This is not the kind of ARM netbook that is being hyped talked about...

      released June last year:

      Arm 926EJ 266mhz processor

      64MB RAM

      2GB FLASH

      1800 MAH BATTERY (4 hrs battery life)

      Ok, so it's only £100, but my phone has better specs than this (and also uses ARM)

  6. RichyS

    ARMed and ready

    Sod Linux. I want an ARM netbook with RISC OS on it.

    I've got an old copy of Impression I want to use on it somewhere...

    1. Phillip Webster
      Thumb Up

      Not as crazy as you might think

      RISC OS Open has been ported to the Beagleboard (although, last I checked not proeprly ported, more "it runs, but not well") courtesy of some dedicated people in the ever-shrinking community

      Talking of the RISC OS community, one of the old stalwart websites, The Iconbar, has a round up of ARM stuff from it:

      Oh, article on the Beagleboard port as well:

      Bit old now, but still interesting.

      However, RISC OS isn't really going to make a come back, it's lack of pre-emptive multi-tasking kills it for most "modern" things, even browser-wise the best it has is a port of Firefox 2 and Netsurf, of which the latter has no Javascript support, but is very nippy even on an old StrongARM RiscPC.

      Looking forward to Linux on ARM netbooks though with proper batteries that last days instead of hours.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'll take what I can get, so give me a factory to make them

    2013 is about a a quarter century late, but hey, better horribly late than never at all.

    About $400 would buy you a "touchbook", which is basically a (fancy!) netbook-type shell around a beagle board ($150 or so for the bare board, nice for prototyping and stuff). There were a few others announced, but they seem to've turned out DOA or perhaps killed dead in a back alley.

    One thing that would be great is some way to "build to order", but even with mainstream laptops that's little more than choosing memory and cpu and, well, that was it. It'd be a true innovation to pull that one off. And yes, I very likely would come up with a design that pushes the envelope.

  8. Mage Silver badge

    Almost all

    existing pocket devices (not just phones) more complicated than a simple MP3 player have used ARM for years.

    Basically virtually all 3" to 5" screen portable gadgets are ARM.

    It's only 7" and upwards, mostly 9" up that is x86 dominated. Apart from Photo Frames.

  9. Volker Hett

    First find a manufacturer ...

    who dares to annoy both, MS and Intel, then you might find an ARM based Tablet, At least the media want one badly and thus hype the only bigger computer maker who doesn't preinstall Windows on his devices and has some experience with non Intel CPUs :)

  10. IT specialist

    Microsoft goes down the drain

    When the netbook market moves from x86 to ARM, that is, when Smartbooks become popular, then Microsoft loses. There is now no doubt that this will happen.

    Microsoft has a leaky bucket, and the smartbook market is another hole in Microsoft's bucket (smartphones are another). Microsoft retains its desktop monopoly, but its mobile devices are dead.

    Ballmer is not stupid, but he doesn't have a very good grasp of future technology. He must not have had much time to read technology magazines and websites, as he has missed every new technology of the past ten years.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    ARM, Linux, Psion 5 style, colour touchscreen

    How much am I bid?

    It's an HP Jornada 720, vintage 2001, add your own jlime linux (shipped originally with the nearly usable Windows HPC which MS dropped shortly afterwards).

    Anyway, nice to see the form factor and functionality coming back into fashion.

  12. Peter D'Hoye

    @ linux posters

    The problem with linux is always the same: usability. Linux still isn't where Windows was 5-10 years ago in terms of usability and integration. People need more than stability and security. As long as linux distro's stay a bunch of different tools and apps thrown together on a kernel, The MS and Apple guys will keep smiling...

    (yes, I know linux, my main desktop and laptop run it)

  13. John Savard

    I don't think so...

    But it depends. People will go for Linux in preference to Windows Mobile, but they will want Windows 7 (or XP), if they can get it, in preference to Linux. Which OS runs the most applications? That's what makes Windows dominant.

  14. CheesyTheClown
    Jobs Horns

    Accurate but painfully little information

    ARM is likely to be the processor at the core of the iTablet, at least that is what people are predicting. Given that the iTablet is considered to be a MID from the perspective of industry ANALysts, that means that there's about to be a HUGE number of iTablets flooding the market.

    Additionally, Intel is heading down, not up. So, the x86 will appear on devices that are more like iPhone than iTablet and will be pocket based telephone + PC in one. Using WHDMI and WUSB, it'll be someday be possible to sit at your desk and work on your telephone computer as if it were your desktop without ever taking it from your pocket.

    Therefore, ARM will almost certainly dominate a market which Intel already appears to be abandoning in favor of x86 phones and Netbook sized notebooks (full power notebooks the size of a netbook).

    Unless Android really takes off and manages to make a suitable replacement for Windows or Mac OS X, then there's little chance Linux will be championing the way for this transition. After all, let's face it. Earlier articles have been published that people were returning to the store by the truckload to return their Linux Netbook in favor of purchasing a Windows one.

  15. sola

    Windows 7 GUI is not that much better than Gnome

    I use Ubuntu Karmic for my main OS on my laptop, use XP at work and tested Windows 7 in order to know if it is worth upgrading to it.

    Result: Not worth, Ubuntu and XP are just fine.

    Yes, Windows 7 is more polished, but it is NOT MUCH more usable than a properly tweaked Ubuntu Gnome desktop or XP. And Linux is still evolving at a breakneck pace. Maybe not the UI specifically, but the distros like Ubuntu are getting better and more integrated with every release. And you get all of it free.

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