back to article UK border database on target and budget, says Home Office

Half of all journeys in and out of the UK are now being centrally recorded and analysed by the £1.2bn e-Borders scheme, the government estmates. The Home Office yesterday said the system is currently gathering data on between 45 and 50 per cent of people crossing the border. e-Borders aims to count every person in and out of …


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  1. davenewman

    Walking across the border

    It cannot be 100% in 2014, because they are not recording people walking across the UK's land border.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      @Walking across the border

      But it does record people coming from Northern Ireland to England - while keeping out the Welsh and Scots will probably involve building another dyke and wall.

      The tricky bit is keeping those northerners out of the south-east co-prosperity zone. Probably checkpints and some sort of propiska.

  2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Finally a solution

    So this will stop illegal immigrants - except those that enter illegally.

    It will stop people on tourist/student visas working illegally - unless they don't tell their employers.

    It will stop terrorism. except those from Northern Ireland or Leeds

    So 1.2Bn to count roughly how many people are in the country

    1. Cameron Colley

      1.2Bn of our money...

      ...given away so that a few home office types can get consulting positions, kickbacks, and nice pensions.

      You have to love being farmed.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I guess we could get some of that back by cancelling the census then.

  3. The Vociferous Time Waster

    hahahahahahahahaha now shut up

    "Last year Woolas dismissed claims by Eurostar and ferry operators that the way the system requires data on passengers from continental Europe before they travel was illegal. Passengers who refuse to give details before their journey would still be allowed to enter the UK, he said."

    This country behaves like a large arse covering corporate. Everyone slaps themselves on the back for recording 50% of people going in and out of the country without asking which 50% we're recording. From the above it seems like it's the 50% that have nothing to hide and want to be recorded. It's entirely pointless to spend lots of money tracking the harmless ones and by doing so neglect to track the people who tick the "I am a terrorist and don't want to know my whereabouts" box.

  4. Dennis O'Neill

    "We're on course to track everyone..."

    "...crossing UK borders by 2014."

    And what exactly will all that guff tell them? Given that they had no idea how many illegal immigrants were working for the Home Office in 2008 - the actual Home Office, in the actual heart of London - do they really think they have the ability to sift through over 100 million journeys a year and spot the tiny handful (probably around 0.01%) of journeys that involve yer actual crims?

    Aye, right you are, boys.

  5. JaitcH

    Another Labour boondoggle!

    A Canadian friend of mine who uses Amsterdam instead of expensive and crowded Heathrow was asked for his info by Eurostar and he simply told them he was English from Buckinghamshire and he was allowed to board without further ado.

    So much for tight English border control Silly buggers.

  6. Graham Marsden

    UK border database on target and budget, says Home Office...

    ... as a flock of pigs flew past a blue moon.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    the borders agency ignores the border.

    How will they count people travelling along the N54/A3/N54/A3/N54 between Clones and Butlers bridge?

    Or people taking the exit off the N1 to go to Carrickcarnan via about 30metres of Antrim.

    Oh the dup will love the the redesignation of the country that issues their passports.

  8. Chris Parsons

    It's amusing, until...

    you remind yourself that we're paying for this load of crap. It makes me so *angry* that none of these useless freeloaders end up in prison.

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