back to article Sony says ‘No’ to UMD swap shops

Sony has confirmed that owners of old-school PlayStation Portable (PSP) units won’t be able to transfer UMD-based games onto the digital-only PSP Go! The PSP Go! doesn’t feature a UMD bay, but Sony had previously said it was considering ways of allowing UMD games to be transferred onto the PSP Go! Details of how Sony hoped to …


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  1. ukuser
    Dead Vulture

    Time to lube up ppl

    So do Sony think having a monopoly with the PSP GO pricing structure for games & blocking all resale, trade or just giving away the software for free because of anti consumer licensing of all titles released for the PSP GO will win people over?

    does anyone else see this Sony scam for what it truly is, the destruction of the second hand market forcing everyone to purchase a brand new copy?

    lets hope a huge retail boycott of this yet another assault on consumer by Sony

  2. Jeremy Chappell

    Good luck with that Sony

    Brilliant Sony, make sure that current owners can't keep their investment in games. If you could think of a better way to kill a new product stone dead, Sony will probably try that next time. So the new system has essentially no advantages over the old one apart from physical size (which given how uncomfortable the controls look, might actually not be an advantage at all).

  3. Anonymous Coward

    PSP Go!..(straight to FAIL, do not pass 'go', do collect your P45s)

    The final nail in the $¢€ coffin.


  4. adam payne

    Sony stupidity strikes again

    I've already said no to purchasing a PSP GO and this is yet another reason not to buy one.

    This whole Sony policy hurts loyal PSP owners who have already invested in their PSP's and the second hand market. I have 35+ games (all purchased at full price) for my PSP 2000 i'm sure as hell not going to buy them again!

  5. Anonymous Coward

    arh well

    I was going to get one of these. Nevermind, I will buy a PSP-3000 second hand instead, and make sure all games I get will be from the second hand market.

    In fact, I will do the same with PS3 games aswell - suck on that Sony, you cant control me :-p

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