back to article Snow Leopard to ship this Friday

Apple announced today what the rumor mill reported last week: that Mac OS X 10.6, aka Snow Leopard, will be released this Friday, August 28. Today's announcement is a rare occurence in the tech world - a product being released before it was originally scheduled to hit the streets. When Apple's SVP for software engineering, …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Halo


    Hackintosh, when the inevitable OSX86 distros hit the net =OD

  2. DZ-Jay




  3. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Apple have stolen my wallet!

    Or rather, have emptied already this month!

    I just bought a lovely shiny new MBP, a 1 TB Time Capsule and a dongle to connect said MBP to a VGA projector and now they want another $29 to upgrade my shiny new MBP to a shiny new MBP?


    They'll have to wait until I get paid coz I'm already skint!

    Paris, because (allegedly) she's been shafted as many times as me.

  4. Steve Lupton

    Up-to-Date Program

    @Anonymous Coward who has had his wallet emptied

    If you bought your machine after June 6th, you get Snow Leopard for $9.99 / £7.99

    Visit this URL to find out more...

  5. Sam Cogan


    If you've only just bought a MBP you hsould be eligible for a free upgrade to Snow Leopard.

  6. SmallYellowFuzzyDuck, how pweety!
    Thumb Up

    Intel mac user here

    Awaiting the review, but I'm sure I will be buying it.

    The most important thing for me will be that it runs faster than the current OS (Which is not slow before you ask, ok) which is what this new release has promised.

    Slimmer, lighter, trimmer is what all new versions should be.

  7. Wrenchy

    GO PYSTAR!!!

    I wonder when Pystar will add 10.6 to their stable of Mackin-Hacks?? I'm lining up to buy mine!

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    @Steve Lupton

    Followed your URL, discovered that it seems to only apply to US/Canada. Rip-Off Britain again

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Halo

    Up-to-date in UK

    Up-to-date applies to UK users too, you just need the UK specific web-page:

  10. Philip Edwards


    I bought my MacBook in America a couple of weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised to find that I was eligible for the upgrade here in Britian.

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