back to article UK Gambling Act is now in force

Major changes are in store for Britain's £91bn gambling industry after new gambling laws came into force on 1st September. The Gambling Act 2005 replaces legislation dating as far back as 1845 and governs nearly all forms of gambling. The legislation aims to protect children and vulnerable people, cut crime and keep games fair …


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  1. Matt

    joined up thinking


    on one hand they want to censor your internet to save the kids, while at the same time they want idiot parents to spend all their money gambling.

    Joined up thinking people, joined up thinking.

    yeah it's a slow day at the office.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Whining victim groups

    "The Salvation Army said the new laws allowed for a general increase in the number of gambling premises, particularly betting shops."

    This is one of my pet hates. For every *fun* thing, there is a whiny 'victim' group just waiting to come out of the closet and complain. It's never the persons fault they are addicted to booze/gambling/video games/internet/porn/food/pot, it's always a society problem and they're always whining for stricter controls and more regulation.

    They hide behind children or losers, and whenever they demand more regulation, there's always a self serving Local Government Regulator or Police Constable piping in in favour to expand their empire of control.

    I think there should be stricter controls and more regulation on whiny victim groups. I blame them for my unhappiness with the UK. They're always there sucking the joy out of life, always there complaining about other people's pleasures.

    They want everyone to live the same sad little lives that they themselves have. They are too shy and old to go clubbing, so clubbing must be regulated. They don't have the spare cash to gamble so gambling must be regulated. They have crap sex lives, so everyone's sex life must be crap too. They have no friends to get drunk with, so youths must be banned from the centres of towns.

    The Salvation Army's membership is tiny, Sally Army represents *their* entire social life. These are not people with a broad life experience you would seek advice from, they are sad little people resentful of others happier lives.

    Go away you sad whiny boring people. Stick to your daytime television and crimewatch with cocoa.

  3. Tony Bryer


    "TV advertisements will be allowed for the first time". ... You have to be a pedantic theologian or Daily Mail journalist not to see that the weekly National Lottery draw on TV is really just a TV advert for gambling.

  4. Chris Collins


    I like the comment from the Salvos: "Gambling is not a normal leisure activity". Perhaps dressing up like a pretend soldier, blowing a horn and banging on about god could be considered a little unusual. I'd like to see the list of acceptible hobbies from them. I'd imagine that drinking and fornication are also absent. Killjoys.

  5. Marky W

    Re: Whining

    Read the comment about the Sally Army and whining in general, and felt the need to create an account just to say:

    Well said, sir. Well said!

    I suggest that whining be banned for the public good, with failure to comply resulting in a sound birching.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    reply to Whining victim groups

    I agree with your sentiments, I think the only ban should be on people asking for bans.

    To be fair, help groups are a part of the requirement for those in our society who have difficulties with controlling themselves. What I don't understand is why that should lead to more controls for the rest of us, who don't have a problem.

    It's really one of those things that need to be done on a case (or person) by case basis.

    I hope you don't catch to much flak from your comment. I can see what you are saying and I hope others don't get caught up in the idea that you are attacking any one group, instead of just using them as an example of what's wrong with the thinking behind some government controls.

  7. Edward Fingleton

    @Whining victim groups

    Firstly, I’d like to say I’m not a Sally Army person, thus this is the opinion of someone not in their "whiny 'victim' group".

    The Sally Army are a very caring group, who help many people who succumb to addictions of various sorts e.g. gambling, alcohol, drugs. Now most people enjoy the occasional flutter, but there are people out there who get caught up in gambling easily and very quickly they’ve maxed out their mortgage and spent the repayment money too. Suddenly they are to put it bluntly, fucked.

    Until the gambling establishments can stop people doing this then restricted access to legalised gambling is the only safe way forward, and frankly, I don’t think that the gambling establishments are going to cut off their best earners.

    Now, there are always fuckwits like you, who think that it’s people’s personal choice to mess their lives up, but look around you, half the people in this pit aren’t capable of protecting themselves from the influences of the society around them so will always become unaffordably indebted.

    Perhaps rather than telling the Sally Army people to “Stick to your daytime television and crimewatch with cocoa” you should leave your solitary uncaring life for a moment and walk amongst the people who need to be looked after. If you are still an uncaring unfeeling bastard after that, come see me and I’ll do what has to be done, I’ll put you down like the animal that you are.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Well meaning idiots

    "The Sally Army are a very caring group, who help many people who succumb to addictions of various sorts e.g. gambling, alcohol, drugs."

    They don't gamble, they don't take leisure drugs, or go on drunk nights out. Their opinion is based therefore on hearsay and is as worthless as hearsay. If we set our laws by these people we're setting our laws by the opinion of clueless people.

    "there are people out there who get caught up in gambling easily and very quickly they’ve maxed out their mortgage"

    And there are people who learn from their mistakes. We call those people human beings.

    "you should leave your solitary uncaring life for a moment and walk amongst the people who need to be looked after."

    Mollycoddling is unhealthy, and mollycoddling by people who don't know what they're talking about is destructive. Let people make the choices you view as 'mistakes', perhaps they know better than you with your limited life experience.

  9. Dunstan Vavasour

    Not a Salvation Army follower but ...

    ... I find the comments about them offensive. After the state, they are the second largest provider of social services in the country - the uniforms and bands may be the most common perception of them, but many of their members dedicate their lives to looking after those who have fallen out of society. After the 7/7 bombings in London, it was the SA who were supporting the men who were clearing up underground - offering not just tea, but a listening ear and time for men who were traumatised by having to work in the most horrific circumstances.

    Their stance relating to alcohol and gambling is well known - and their work in helping the victims of excess in both of these is valuable. You may not agree with their position - that by increasing the gambling outlets, those with a weakness for excessive gambling are more likely to succumb, with personally disastrous consequences - but to rail against them as a "whiny victim group" shows both immaturity and lack of concern for the weak who cling on to the edge of modern society.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Serving tea is no substitute for life experience.

    "After the 7/7 bombings in London, it was the SA who were supporting the men who were clearing up underground - offering not just tea, but a listening ear and time for men who were traumatised by having to work in the most horrific circumstances"

    Serving tea is no substitute for life experience. Not even tea to firefighters, pulling crippled orphans from burning sweatshops.

    "and their work in helping the victims of excess in both of these is valuable."

    It also gives them a distorted second hand view of the situation they preach to others about.

    "but to rail against them as a "whiny victim group" shows both immaturity and lack of concern for the weak who cling on to the edge of modern society."

    They don't know what they're talking about and whereas most people view these things as past-times to be enjoyed, their viewpoint is an extreme distortion of victims 'clinging to the edge of society'. It's lack of a balanced viewpoint brought about by lack of life experience, coupled to a self serving high opinion of themselves based on their charitable activities.

    We should not give these whiny victim groups a special voice because they serve tea. Fundamentally at a deep level they are sucking the fun out of life and making the everyday world into a legal battle ground of nanny laws.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I want the Wii banned!

    Although I don't play with the Wii myself, I've seen many of it's victims. Poor sad dysfunctional wretches, addicted to Wii Tennis, or Wii Tanks. Many of these poor wretches suffer repetitive strain injuries on their elbows, some have broken televisions from loose wrist straps.

    It's clear that this cannot be tolerated. I know, although I don't play with Wii myself, I did serve fresh darjeeling and lend a sympathetic ear to cute puppies, traumatized by the sirens of police officers rushing to help 911 victims!

    That's why my opinion as a self appointed succubus is more valuable than other adult opinions who have personal first hand experience of playing with their Wii!

    If only they'd listened to me in the 1940's when my policy was forced treatment for gay-ness. I've helped the victims of gayness, and I've seen the prolapsed anus that gay fisting can do, and I can tell you it's not a pretty sight! If only they'd listened to me about 'butt badness' in the 40's all this could be avoided. Don't they know I served hot Earl Grey to the troops returning from the Maginot line?

    So I want Wii and gay fisting banned, and especially gay fisting with Nintendo Wiis! That should be doubly banned. It will send a strong message to someone about something, this wii-haviour will not be tolerated!

    Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before...

  12. Tony Bryer

    I'd sooner listen to those who get their hands dirty

    Given that the Salvation Army run 50 hostels for the homeless, many of whom will have found themselves in that position through losing their money, homes and perhaps families in pursuit of one addiction or another, I'd suggest that they know far more about it that the vast majority of Reg readers ... or politicians for that matter.

  13. Brendan Weir

    Salvation Army

    Never won a war...

    I'll get my coat!

  14. Andy Tunnah


    they have won a war..against PHUN

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @I'd sooner listen to those who get their hands dirty

    I'd sooner listen to those who get their fist dirty.

  16. John A Blackley

    Skewed vision

    So the Salvation Army is an example of a 'whiny victim group'. Because they - as a group - advocate not drinking and not being sexually promiscuous they have no 'life experience'.

    I'd suggest that the people who I quote expend just a little energy and investigate the Sallie Army just a teensy bit more. Enough has already been said about the sterling work the Salvation Army does among the less-fortunate in our society. You might (but probably not) also be interested to know that many members of the Salvation Army are members precisely because their lives were endangered by excessive drinking, drug use and/or sexual promiscuity.

    Though I hate to split topics in a post, here's one for the original, brave Whining Victims Group poster:

    "They are too shy and old to go clubbing, so clubbing must be regulated."

    Not everyone who doesn't club refrains because they're too shy, friend. Some refrain because they find clubbing - and the people who do it - unutterably boring.

    "They don't have the spare cash to gamble so gambling must be regulated."

    As if everyone who gambled had the 'spare cash' to do so - which is precisely the Salvation Army's point (although I do disagree with their rationale.)

    "They have crap sex lives, so everyone's sex life must be crap too."

    Missed that one. Must go back to the Sallie Army and read up on their "You must have a crap sex life" ordinance - or were you just flailing when you wrote that?

    "They have no friends to get drunk with, so youths must be banned from the centres of towns."

    Oh I don't think anyone wants to ban youths from the centres of towns. Now, loud, self-obsessed, puking-drunk, violent, inconsiderate little b'stards in the early hours of the morning - that's a different story.

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