back to article UK data breach incidents on the rise

Seven in ten UK organisations experienced a data breach incident over the last year, up from 60 per cent in the previous year. The third edition of an annual survey by the Ponemon Institute, sponsored by PGP, also found that 12 per cent of 615 public and private sector organisations probed were hit by five data loss incidents …


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  1. Britt Johnston
    IT Angle

    media = 0 ?

    Someone misunderstood the question , Media lives on juicy data breaches.

  2. SimpleUser

    And now, what ?

    And not only in the UK, I'd assume..

    As long as those guys (and gals) don't bother / don't care, no cure and no remedy.

    Companies efforts on policies insisting on strong data encryption primarily on mobile devices are

    only as good as being adhered to.

    'Users' just switching off related apps on the machines they use ('The human factor in laptop encryption', June 29th nicely refers)...

    That's a never ending story which will become way more important in the not too distant future where more and more business data as well as e-government stuff will be transacted (and stored) electronically.

    Now what ?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    ISO layers...

    7 Layers in the ISO model... pah! any hacker worth his (or her) title knows there are 8 layers, and layer 8 is always the weakest....

    For those having difficulty understanding this, layer 8 is the user.

  4. Richard 12 Silver badge

    @Britt: Media does well because it's their living

    Journalists are careful with their data because they know that if they let somebody else get hold of their story, the scoop is lost - and that impacts them personally.

    Whereas a civil servant or MP losing the name and address of every child in the country has no personal impact. Or indeed any bad effects at all, apparently.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    That we know about?

    Seven out of ten - that we KNOW about, that is...?

  6. Daniel Free

    imperipercentric ?

    "Seven in ten UK organisations experienced a data breach incident over the last year, up from 60 per cent in the previous year."

    whats with the random switch from spelling out fractions to comparing to percentages?

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