back to article Steve Jobs spotted at Apple HQ

Steve Jobs was spotted yesterday at Apple headquarters. According to Reuters, the Apple co-founder was seen leaving the company's Cupertino, California campus dressed in, yes, a black turtleneck and jeans. And some Apple employees couldn't help but discuss his long-awaited return with CNBC. It's unclear whether the Apple co- …


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  1. Richard 102
    Jobs Halo

    Well good

    Now we can have flying cars and a sound economy within six months. Version 2, with a pony bedazzler, is rumored to be in the works already.

    (I kid; we are an Apple family, but I think this Cult of Jobs thing is a bit overdone.)

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    He probably just turned up to tell the staff what to rehash and over price next.

  3. Mark McNeill

    Get well soon

    and I hope that the new liver is thinner, weighs less, and metabolises even faster than the old one.

  4. Maverick
    Thumb Up

    he is only a man after all

    well I am NEVER going to be an Apple fanboi, no way, not ever

    but I do have to admit the man is a genius & clearly an inspiration to work for . . .

    plus he has really stuck it to the parasites in the recording industry so for that he gets my respect :) TBH personally I think in the long run he will prove to have helped recording artists more than those industry parasites ever have!

    as a human being (which he is, despite the god like status) he deserves all my best wishes for a return to full health and this he hereby gets - good to have you back Steve!

  5. DZ-Jay

    Re: Get well soon

    Of course, the new liver already looks more slick and cooler than the old one.


  6. ElReg!comments!Pierre

    Which liver?

    Did he choose the normal $800 liver, or the functionnally equivalent $2500 one with a luminescent fruit logo on it?

    Ho joy, new icons. Obvious choice: my liver's preferred medicine.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    very well said, I second that.

  8. N2
    Thumb Up

    What else?

    Black turtle neck + jeans, no surprises there then, was probably born wearing them

    Get well soon

  9. pctechxp

    The Jobs stalking brigade

    I wish the guy good health of course but what's this all about, everyone knows that Woz was the real technical brains of the outfit but we never hear much about him do we?

    Seriously are people that obsessed (including some reporters it would appear).

    What's going to happen to Apple whenever he does go and meet the Great Biological Software Architect in the sky?

  10. Giles Jones Gold badge

    @The Jobs stalking brigade

    Woz was indeed the technical brains, but that was back in the day when home computers were scarce and one man could design a computer.

    These days it's all about the ideas, once you have a good idea you can then get lots of little people to design and build it.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    I know he has been ill but...

    "Steve Jobs was spotted yesterday at Apple headquarters"

    In other news, large masses of water located in Lake District area.

  12. vincent himpe

    earth to steve :

    It's friggin 85 degrees out. Loose the turtleneck. You look like a koolaid drinking ... oh wait... scrap that ... never mind ... move along ... nothing to see.

  13. twelvebore

    If you say so

    Maybe he just popped in to pick up some share options?

  14. Anonymous Coward


    Well its fairly clean from your post that you are a mac fanboi in the denail stage.

    Other than that... Oh My GOD did you see that fab turtleneck. It was like SOO last spring.. Welcome to the El Reg fasion edition?

    Who the fuck cares about what that tit wears?

    (maC Fanboi4life)

  15. Anonymous Coward

    I hear...

    Steve's liver was nearly as difficult to replace as an iPhone battery...

    Mine's the one with a Nokia in the pocket.

  16. D@v3

    just a thought

    For a (short) article, about the health of the CEO of a major manufacturing outfit (computers, software, media players etc...) why does it find itself living in the Mobile section of the site?

    Is that all that apple have been reduced to? That phone company that used to make computers?

  17. Hermes

    New boss

    same as the old boss!

  18. TeeCee Gold badge

    Re: I hear...

    Could have been worse. If he worked for Nintendo, they'd have had to keep him open while they sent someone off to look for a tri-wing screwdriver.

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