back to article Broadband surges despite Meltdown

The ongoing Meltdown may be causing most sectors of the tech economy to wither, wilt, and shrivel, but one industry is going gangbusters: broadband. According to a report (PDF) released Tuesday by the packet-networking spec curators and marketing boosters at the Broadband Forum, broadband's global reach increased by 16.6 …


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  1. Mark 65

    Stats, hmmm

    Can we actually believe any statistic that comes out of China? They seem to just print whatever they feel like - GDP being a case in point.

  2. PPPie

    Mark 65

    I would of said it was much higher. Other stats put the figure at around 250 million Internet users. And with every connection here ADSL or DSL. I'd of said the figure was much higher.

    Maybe you are suffering from Orwelian doublethink, as massaged stats seem to be something generally left to the USA or UK to dabble with. WMD anyone?

  3. James Woods

    who cares

    If I had my way China would be censored from the internet. It's ashame that they have no human rights and all but our government doesn't seem to see any of that when they go over there and deal with China.

    All we get from China being on the internet is garbage, hacks, and spam. Same goes for the rest of the third world that are being put online so their networks can be compromised and used as zombie platforms to attack us.

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