back to article Microsoft loses data centre head

Silicon Valley outfit Digital Realty Trust has poached Microsoft’s containerised data centre architect, Michael Manos. Redmond hasn’t made an official announcement about Manos’s decision to quit the software giant, and could not immediately be reached for comment at time of writing. Manos, who will head up global data centre …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Will he...

    ... be taking care of the place while the Master is away?

  2. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Renegade Promised Change for Renaissance.... and a Gentleman Never Ever Refuses a Lady.

    Is that Microsoft haemorrhaging key kernel staff, with what would be in a defence scenario, nuclear launch keys? Soak up the Core secrets and then split and create a personalised fortune elsewhere with the knowledge, which is fair and reasonable/quite normal in human nature, is it not, such is the Systemic Endemic Programming.

    Or is it a sign that there is something unpleasant about to be Uncovered .... a Sequence of Inevitable Events which now cannot be Undone nor Discovery Stopped?

  3. raving angry loony


    I liked you better on the drugs you were taking earlier. Could you switch back to your old prescription? You're almost intelligible now, which is disturbing me to no end.

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