back to article LA engineers cop to traffic system sabotage

Two traffic engineers for the City of Los Angeles have admitted they illegally disrupted the computer system that controls traffic lights just prior to a 2006 union action related to contract negotiations with the city. Gabriel Murillo, 39, and Kartik Patel, 36, each pleaded guilty to a single felony count of illegally …


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  1. Chris iverson

    Thats it

    That explained one reason why the traffic is so bad. or i dunno. Anyway network engineer on Los Angeles looking for a work at home job

  2. marco


    The 'Real Napster' would be disappointed.

  3. Chris C

    They got off way too light

    They willfully, premeditatedly, and maliciously endangered the lives of thousands of people (if not tens of thousands or more), and all they get is a slap on the wrist? And why in the hell should they be able to get a felony conviction reduced to a misdemeanor simply because they complete the "punishment"? Can a murderer do that? No, so why should they be able to? This is nothing more than a mockery of the judicial system.

  4. Joe K


    "Hackers" that don't get insane prison terms in a pound-you-in-the-arse prison?

    What the hell?

  5. Dave

    @Chris C

    If these lights were anything like the ones over here, then turning them off should have eased traffic for all concerned. Apparently human beings are collectively more intelligent than a small electronic box.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    There's hope for McKinnon yet then.

    In the land of freedom and justice, no doubt we shall see a comparable sentence for him.

    /sarcasm off.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    I have a better idea

    Make them go to London and fix the traffic mess.

  8. RemoteIntelligence
    Thumb Up

    Two hours a day?

    "the two must ... serve 120 days or 240 hours of community service"

    Can I have a job like this?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Chris C

    Have you been to LA ?? people there seem to think traffic control device are mere suggestions.

  10. kain preacher

    There's hope for McKinnon yet then.

    Umm they pled out McKinnon didn't.

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