back to article Digital Entrepreneur Awards help UK tech cop an eyeful of... WTF?

When it comes to women in tech, it's fair to say the sector has a bit of an image problem. Just this week, 89 of the country's largest employers of computer developers signed up to the Tech Talent Charter, which asks businesses to share recruitment and gender pay gap data. While that might be seen as another meaningless …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As was said by another comment shown there, so what if it was an all woman show. There would have been complaints if it was all men.

    So all men show, not allowing women in the show, sexism. Ok so no dancers, a comedian, look its a man, Oh no sexism, should have been a woman. Its a woman, rasism, it was a white woman, a black woman, she wasn't a lesbian. Lesbian black comedian, something against transgender. so transgender lesbian back female comedian.

    The next complaint would be, (s)he was picked to make fun of.

    Ok so no show, complaints that they didnt spend any money on entertainment.

    Then complaints that the presentations didn't have a 50/50 split men women with a percentage on them being in the minority groups, excluding Asians as they aren't minorities anymore.

    So what this comes down to is no matter what you do people will complain, some more than others.

    So do what you want as long as it isn't directly attacking anyone and applies to the majority its aimed at. Someone will complain not matter what.

    1. JoshOvki

      Okay time to stop frothing from the mouth and think about this for a moment. Can't you see why burlesque dancers could be considered a bad choice? Why did they need scantily clad dancers at all? Fricking hell man, open your eyes.

  2. Sykowasp

    If we look at the original photo that sets this all off, we can see some bloke on the stage is clearly groping one of the dancer's bums.

    Whilst I fail to see why this event needs scantily clad dancers, if they have to have them then they could have a mixed show put on, surely? But let's be honest, the only reason for scantily clad dancers is for eye titillation for the mainly-male audience. If those men want that, there are other venues.

    In the end, the issue is that this industry has difficulty bringing in women, and stuff like this really does not improve the image of the industry. Which is a real shame, because I've found that it's often the women that work harder and generate better results, at least in businesses that allow them to get on with things without worrying about dodgy male bosses, etc.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Do you make hiring decisions?

      I've found that it's often the women that work harder and generate better results

      Don't you mean they work equally hard? Or are you allowed to say that, because you said "women" instead of "men"?

      It's not "male vs female", but "gender equality".

  3. iron Silver badge

    It is entirely possible to value and respect women and enjoy watching them dance. Acting like a feminazi is going to end up counterproductive.

    Do these people complain how skimpily the dancers are dressed at the ballet?

    1. Sir Gaz of Laz

      "Do these people complain how skimpily the dancers are dressed at the ballet?"

      Probably not, but then you expect to see dancers/dancing at the ballet.

      Unless the burlesque dancers were all some fantastically futuristic bio-mechanical feats of engineering, I see no connection to entrepreneurship (and even if they were, it'd be tenuous at best). There is no DE context here.

    2. 45RPM Silver badge

      @iron - the 1960s called. They want you back.

      Frankly, I take exception to your dullard use of the, frankly abhorrent, ‘word’ Feminazi. If you mean Feminist, then perhaps you should think of it as meaning “Functional, moral, human being”. It’s not just for women you know - it’s about recognising that there are no fundamental differences between the sexes when it comes to intelligence, ability, or how they should be treated / paid / respected.

      I’m sorry if that came out as being a bit frothingly incoherent on my part, but I’d like to kick users of the term “Feminazi” until my right leg was worn down to a bloody stump and then attempt to repeat the punishment with my left leg.


      1. DJO Silver badge

        it’s about recognising that there are no fundamental differences between the sexes when it comes to intelligence

        Actually there is, statistically women are on average slightly more intelligent than men.

        Although for the heights of genius and the depths of abject stupidity it'll be a man almost every time (sometimes the same individual).

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Actually there is, statistically women are

          You've missed the point.

          If I was hired because I was a woman, I'd be disappointed.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            > If I was hired because I was a woman, I'd be disappointed.

            Because you are actually male? :-)

      2. H in The Hague

        "... I’d like to kick users of the term “Feminazi” until ..."

        Give me a shout if you need a hand (or foot). I'm a bit sensitive to this abuse of language (live fairly close to a place where the nazis used to torture and execute people). And a bit sensitive to the general issue as not that many decades ago, a good friend (and excellent pilot) was told she couldn't fly passenger flights simply because she was a woman. (Fortunately that industry is better now.)

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          a good friend (and excellent pilot) was told she couldn't fly passenger flights simply because she was a woman.

          Although to be fair she was Hanna Reitsch, so the term Feminazi was totally appropriate

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Feminazis are as real as chauvinists

        "Frankly, I take exception to your dullard use of the, frankly abhorrent, ‘word’ Feminazi. "

        Well, it is totally appropriate for describing females who loudly annouce that man, as a gender, is totally unnecessary and should be killed. As a gender. That's misandry to the maximum and as far as I know, no man has ever wanted to kill every female, no matter they hated them.

        And no, that's not an imaginary example: If you haven't ever read militant feminist organizations internal magazines, you should: There are lot of those people in them. In global view a very small minority but so are terrorists.

        Nazis tried to kill one religion from one country, these people want to kill half of world population. For that a term "Nazi" is totally justified and best possible description, as 'a fanatic' is totally missing the scale: It's at genocide level. billions of people.

        1. Insert sadsack pun here

          Re: Feminazis are as real as chauvinists

          "Nazis tried to kill one religion from one country"

          Jesus wept, read a fucking history book, mate.

        2. MonkeyCee

          Re: Feminazis are as real as chauvinists

          "Well, it is totally appropriate for describing females who loudly annouce that man, as a gender, is totally unnecessary and should be killed. As a gender."

          But you're conflating two different things. Arguing for equal rights, which means acknowledging that perhaps as a gender men have it slightly better, does not equal agreement with killing off people. I believe in income redistribution (via market capitalism) since making the poorest better off generally results in life being better for everyone, including the mega wealthy. That doesn't mean I agree with killing off the mega wealthy, or forcibly taking their stuff.

          "That's misandry to the maximum and as far as I know, no man has ever wanted to kill every female, no matter they hated them."

          Well, there's a few more cases of chaps murdering women "because they deserve it" than the other way around. Often a case of a particular class/group of women (sex workers) rather than all of them, but still.

          If you're going to use "militant feminist" magazines as your basis for arguing that feminists = femanazis, then I suggest* you have a trawl around some of the less delightful corners of the MRA and incel movements. Those are the chaps suggesting that women *should* be raped, want to be, invite it, and generally deserve to get murdered if they don't accept they are subordinate. Reddit kicked r/incel out because there where active debates on how to rape someone and get away with it.

          In much the same way the right wing nutters will get all foamy mouthed (triggered?) about how violent and evil the left are, and then go out and kill people. Not threaten to, not make hypothetical "all menz must die!" articles, but go out and gun down elected political representatives (Jo Cox, Gabrielle Giffords), kids at camp (Breivik), people in church or just run them over with their car.

          As a parting thought, if you know your views are so shameful that you need to post AC, maybe reconsider posting. Stand up for what you believe in, even if that means that some people might dislike you for the opinions you hold.

          *well, maybe not, it's pretty sick shit

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Some of these comments are like watching a blind man playing darts with a hedgehog.

    Completely misses the point.

    How can you defend that? How can you honestly say to your daughter (if you have one or niece or even friends daughter) that is acceptable?

    I'm really open minded but even I'm cringing at that photo trying to work out what the f*ck went through their heads to think that was acceptable?

  5. Anonymous Coward

    DEA Statement:

    "We hired an equal number of male and female dancers, and can assure you they where all paid equally. In fact, the women earned more tips."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: DEA Statement:

      But the fu**ing article doesn't even mention male dancers? WTF?

      Only females are mentioned. And that some people blew their fuses on it.

      "... when scantily clad women doing a showgirl routine took to the stage of the Digital Entrepreneur Awards on Wednesday night."

      Not a word about scantily clad males. And what a surprise, female editor had nothing against that so she doesn't say anything about it. When females get equality they _still_ whine about it. Why?

      There should have been only scantily clad males or what? For audience consisting mostly males.

      I don't know if a dancing show is a good idea, but at least editor could tell all the facts and not fall into female whine -mode for no reason at all.

      This just tells us that if facts don't fit into agenda then omit the facts and go all touchy-feely. Which flies quite bad in technical sector.

      1. wayward4now

        Re: DEA Statement:

        I'd be happy as merry hell if the Super Bowl half-time shows were less "depraved". Why not go back to the days when the best marching bands in the US performed???

  6. Rameses Niblick the Third Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble?

    Ok, so I have no problem with burlesque dancers in principal. Just like I have no problem with Chippendales in principal. If people want to make money by taking their clothes off and dancing, then great, more power to them. Equally, if people want to pay money to see that kind of thing, again more power to them.

    The point surely is not that there is a problem with these type of shows. The problem is putting a specifically male-targeted entertainment show on in an environment where (a) people didn't choose to see it and (b) should be a mixed gender environment. Why not book a show which appeals to men and women equally?

    And people wonder why all kinds of industry have a bad reputation or equalities. This is just the latest in a long, tiresome, disgraceful line of corporate misogyny.

    1. inmypjs Silver badge

      disgraceful line of corporate misogyny

      Sure they hire women to dance on stage because they hate women.

      Did they hand out stones to throw at the dancers?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: disgraceful line of corporate misogyny

        Let's turn it around - the men where wearing spedos and t-shirts. Still appropriate?

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: disgraceful line of corporate misogyny

          the men where wearing spedos and t-shirts

          Corporate IT men wearing speedos shudder

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: disgraceful line of corporate misogyny

          If it's a show where 90% of audience is females, of course.

          Equality doesn't work that way that everything is served to small minority: It just means that a minority here is a majority there and the majority is served as well in both places.

      2. BebopWeBop

        Re: disgraceful line of corporate misogyny

        Is that you Mother?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Equally, if people want to pay money to see that kind of thing

      And what about those of us who just want it for free?

    3. Mark 85

      I'd go a step further... what do the dancers bring to an awards ceremony? Seriously. All awards ceremonies are about self-congratulation be it movie stars or computer hackers. Maybe I miss the point....

  7. ecofeco Silver badge

    Context is everything

    How the hell could they get this so wrong?

    Rhetorical question of course.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's hardly sponsored by, more like run by, the address on their websites is even the same.

    Strikes me as a "let's reward our customers, and give awards to people we want to be our customers."

  9. HmmmYes

    I just dont do conferences or awards.

    Not to protest at booth babes and the likem jyst they are boring and i keep social life way away from work.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Its all the unemployed booth babes I feel sorry for.

    There’s only so many jobs in Formula 1.

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