back to article Uber's revolting sexism, the movie

The blog post that lifted the lid on Uber's uber-sexist culture and led to the demise of founder Travis Kalanick might become a movie. Deadline Hollywood reports that a movie concept titled “Disruptors”, based on Susan Fowler's "On One Very, Very Strange Year At Uber" has been hawked around Tinseltown and landed at production …

  1. Dr Scrum Master

    One Dimension?

    I suppose we will expect it to focus only on sexism and barely touch the whole dysfunctional system with its cavalier attitudes.

  2. jake Silver badge

    Who would pay money to see it?

    It's not like we don't already know the ending ... On the other hand, it's more proof that Hollywood hasn't had an original thought in decades.

    1. Francis Boyle Silver badge

      Re: Who would pay money to see it?

      Yeah, I decided not to see 'Dunkirk' after I accidentally read the ending on Wikipedia.

      Seriously though, why does making a movie about much discussed current events (rather than yet another superhero flick) demonstrate a lack of thought.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Who would pay money to see it?

        Why? Do you really have to ask that question? Personally, I already saw the real thing unfold. It was tawdry the first time around. Why the fuck would I shell out money to see it again?

        As for Dunkirk (and other such war films), I see them as exploitation of the dead. The film company exists purely to make a profit, not to entertain or educate or enlighten. We already know the true story, we don't need someone else's take on it. In my mind, such films are quite simply exploitative trash. I refuse to pay into their refuse. YMMV. Follow your bliss.

        1. Tikimon

          Re: Who would pay money to see it?

          If you would come off your smug little pedestal, you might see how these can be non-exploitative. Granted that most "war movies" are merely trying to sell tickets. But some of them tell the true stories of participants who may have kept silent or been overlooked. They help friends and families and co-workers understand what the soldiers have gone through and probably did not talk about. They can help civilians understand the wars our nations have been involved in, why, how it all turned out for whom.

          I present as an example: Saving Private Ryan. After decades of rah-rah movies and angst-ridden political commentary, someone finally told the (fairly straight) story of the troops in the field. I knew of several people with WWII vets in their families and most were glad to see this, to get a glimpse of the life-changing events their loved ones may have never spoken about.

          1. BugabooSue

            Re: Who would pay money to see it?


            "I present as an example: Saving Private Ryan...."

            I totally get your point. Even after serving in the UK Army for three years (13 years before that SPR came out), that knife-fight to the death still messes me up. I was *almost* in that exact situation on one occasion (someone else stepped in mid-fight).

            I still get nightmares from SPR once or twice a year to this day...

            I never dream about my real fight!

            Oh, and in the dream, just to be really messed-up - I am am both combatants - I win and I lose. I see the horror from both sides.

            Bloody good (and horrible!) film Mr. Spielberg. I salute you.

            Having been on the receiving end of decades of institutionalised sexism in civilian life, I'm not sure I'm going to watch it.

            The funny thing is, as a woman in the Army I took a lot of shit just for being female, but you got to deal it back out again. Funny how an 'accidental' smack in the danglers levels the playing field. :)

            Aw, screw it! What's the worst that could happen - it's not like I'm going to get PTSD from this film, right?



            (PS - sexism, racism, all of that stuff sucks totally and needs to stop. I am not an SJW by any means and give as good as I get, but this shit is still way to prevalent in 2017!

            People: whatever sex/gender/class, etc., you are - have fun by all means, just stop being dicks!!!)

            "Be excellent to each other!"

        2. Spudley

          Re: Who would pay money to see it?

          ....Follow your bliss.

          I'm not going to reply to the rest of your comment, but seriously "Follow your bliss." ????


          That sounds like one of the empty aphorisms from Demolition Man.

          "Be well!"

          "Mellow greetings. What seems to be your boggle?"

          Yeah. "Follow your bliss" fits right in with those.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Who would pay money to see it?

            So, spud, who's bliss would you prefer to follow? The marketing department's?

            All, please note I also said "YMMV". There is a reason for that. Nowhere did I suggest that all y'all should follow my lead. Nor would I.

          2. Chemical Bob

            Re: Who would pay money to see it?

            "'m not going to reply to the rest of your comment, but seriously "Follow your bliss." ????


            Well, you wouldn't want to get ahead of your bliss. Could be disturbing.

    2. Mark 85

      Re: Who would pay money to see it?

      It's not like we don't already know the ending ... On the other hand, it's more proof that Hollywood hasn't had an original thought in decades.

      It's not for us techies... it's for the mainstream market who's normal position is eyes buried in their phone or FB.

    3. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

      Re: Who would pay money to see it?

      So, I take you never watch documentaries, biopics, or dramatizations, like, at all, or watch, read, or do anything else more than once, like have sex? After all, you already know what's going to happen, so why bother repeating it? Your brain is a very strange place.

  3. macjules

    Could have been worse ...

    It could have landed on The Weinsten Company's doormat.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It could have landed on The Weinsten Company's doormat.

      Well, I've heard of method acting ... so is there such a thing as "method producing"?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Could have been worse ...

      I hear Casey Affleck is available for the lead.

      1. mics39

        Re: Could have been worse ...

        Aren’t Hollywood types all customers of Uber?

        1. lglethal Silver badge

          Re: Could have been worse ...

          "Aren’t Hollywood types all customers of Uber?"

          Not unless Uber do limos...

          1. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

            Re: Could have been worse ...

            Uber does limos but I can't testify to the actual quality of UberLUX (Limousine Unbelievably Expensive).

            The title is real, the interpretation may not be.

      2. macjules

        Re: Could have been worse ...

        I hear they are talking Roman Polanski as the director ..

  4. lucki bstard

    Trial by Media

    Takes 'Trial by media' to a completely new level. If anything got taken to a trial (why bother if you can get more money from a scandal mag then a law court) then the defense can claim that there is no Judge/Jury that has not been influenced and the defense cannot have a fair trial. Result complainant makes money vai scandal mag, defense gets off cycle repeats.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We have to constantly remind men that the companies they created, and their unique cultures, are inherently wrong. It's not up to workers to find a company that suits them, it's the responsibility of companies to change their culture. Political correctness is a blessing on us all.

    1. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

      Strange, I have worked at many male-founded and -run companies over the years without toxic cultures. Your unbridled sexism concerning men lacking the ability to control themselves or to create work environments that foster inclusiveness and diversity has been noted. Maybe it's not the worldview of others that's limited but instead your own.

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